fwding to semanal list - I like your idea Jay - what if for week6  (or
choose another week) we all post a video, but we also have to post a
video comment to at least one person who's posted that week. or use
the comment video as your weekly post if you don't want/are too busy
to do 2 videos. so we get into the practice of doing it. and can iron
out any tweaks that might be needed as there'll be a larger number of
people trying it who are on different computers/have different issues.
could be a good sample population, plus it'll be cool to reply in
video - community building exercise etc.

VGG list can prob drop off this tangential thread if not on topic

On Jan 31, 2008 7:28 PM, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I think the biggest challenge is getting creators to actually make
>  video comments.
>  Youtube has the only video commenting system Ive really seen used.
>  Most times though, people are just linking to their own videos so they
>  can ride out the popularity of someone else's video.
>  Youtube is the the city wall where everyone wheatpastes their flyers.
>  I still find that most of us are creating self-contained little movies.
>  As a community I dont think we've agreed on Fair Use in our own videos.
>  Let's forget Hollywwod for a moment and see if we cant have consensus
>  among ourselves.
>  Can we use use each others video, like we currently use each other's
>  text posts to have a conversation?
>  Im hoping David's video commenting plugin...and the year long Semanal
>  project help explore people posting videos in the comments of a single
>  blog post. Then we can see about Meiser's vision for aggregated video
>  comments. we need concrete examples to play with.

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