> We've got ads working on all of our YouTube videos.
>  There are several components to this. Ads on the videos on YouTube
>  site, ads on the YouTube videos off-site on embeds, and ad-sense
>  share which allows you to have your content sent through the ad-sense
>  pipes onto other peoples sites.
>  Unfortunately, we are under NDA and cant talk about the prices, etc.
>  (NDAs suck BTW).
>  We have been slowly building an audience on YouTube but have only
>  started to hit kind of a tipping point around the end of December and
>  January. Now we are in the top 100 partners and directors almost
>  every day for view counts - its been a very slow build and we still
>  have a very long ways to go.
>  Nevertheless, Im expecting that sometime this year, the $ we make
>  from YouTube will be significant.

Thanks for this info.
Itll be interesting to see how Youtube manages their partnerships.
Since they have such distribution power, will they effectively start
laying out content guidelines?
I wonder if Youtube will start (or has already) hiring TV execs to
manage content and do promotion.

I ask because it's interesting to see in San Francisco, technologists
try to figure out content stuff...when the entertainment industry has
been doing it for years.


917 371 6790
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