Mine sure as heck are not going to be shot on the same day. I've got a
backlog. I'll certainly will try to create new content but hey, my
goal is just to do something. 


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Susan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Another question...
> does it have to be video shot that day? I have such a huge backlog of
> videos... especially after Budapest... and I'm going to be on vacation
> for a week out of this month where I won't have Internet access...
> :(
> Susan
> http://vlog.kitykity.com
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert <rupert@> wrote:
> >
> > All right, then.  24 hours later and a massive 21 votes have been
> > The most popular shorthand name / tag - though with only 33% - is:
> > 
> > VloMo08
> > 
> > A suitably brief tag for our Twitterholic world.
> > 
> > So it's VloMo - or Videoblogging Month.  Or Vlogging Month, if you  
> > can bring yourself to say that.  Whatever, call it what you want
> > you describe it.  But the tag and the channel and all official
> > will be in the form VloMo08.
> > 
> > As I've already said, we will *not* be using Ning this year.  We'll  
> > be using Mefeedia, which will be much better for watching,  
> > aggregating, commenting and archiving.  We'll have a channel at
> > http://mefeedia.com/channels/vlomo08
> > 
> > And you'll be able to put the feed for that channel into Miro or  
> > iTunes or whatever reader or aggregator you choose.
> > 
> > Mefeedia are sorting this, adding some extra features just for us.   
> > For free, in the middle of a busy time for them (they've just  
> > relaunched the site), so please be patient.  In the next couple of  
> > days, you'll be able to go to the channel and add your feed.
> > 
> > I'll post here and on Twitter as soon as it's fully up and
> > Hurray!
> > 
> > If you're thinking about joining in and worried about the
> > don't fret it.   Allow yourself half an hour per day and just post  
> > some video - any video, however small, on any account.  Doesn't have  
> > to be what you usually do, or up to any high production standards.   
> > Join in, it'll make the watching more fun, too.
> > 
> > Rupert
> > http://twittervlog.tv
> >

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