> By the way, are there many people in Lithuania  who are posting videos
> online? If so, can you send any links?
> Jay
> -- 
> http://ryanishungry.com
> http://jaydedman.com
> http://twitter.com/jaydedman
> 917 371 6790

There aren't many, actually. "Written" blogs are really popular, but video - 
hm...There are some:

http://marketingasinternete.wordpress.com - about marketing on the internet. In 
my opinion not very professional, because there are a lot of twaddle and not 
much valuable information.

http://www.zuokas.lt/category/video-kronika/page/2/ - some video posts of 
Lithuania's famous politician. Videos are uploaded very irregularly (what is 
common for all lithuanian video bloggers if we could name them like that).

http://www.skamp.lt/ - music band blog. Actually, there are quite qualitative 
videos that I liked.

http://www.zipfm.lt/putiklis/?laid-pava=2&kate=9&paie-zodi=&fail-tipa=-1 - 
local dj's and radio show manager's video blogs. 

Last year, I also tried to put some entries on our local country's "youtube", 
and observed the reactions, which wrote in my paper..But I cannot call it a 
successful project. Just a few videos: 

Briefly, I can say, that there are no professional video blogers (maybe except 
skamp.lt) in our country, that I could name even waken up in the middle of the 
night and that those blogs would be at least regular...

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