I agree with a lot of what Jeffrey wrote. So this is just my additional 
perspective as a member of the 2004/5 class of vloggers. 

I don't know if I would feel welcomed at BWE and NMC. The reality is that the 
two merged for the financial realities of the day. This is a for profit 
business. This is a good thing, not knocking it. 

But correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this about the business of blogging? 
Products, services and promotion? I'd lay dollars to donuts that the word 
"monitize" will be spoken. Darren from Problogger.net very good. Some A-Hole 
trying to sell crap to newbies bad, very bad.

I know or work with three of the women who will be speaking. That is refreshing 
to see women included in the conference. Point one in favor of going. 

But there will be thousands of people; or hundreds if the economy hasn't 
corrected. Hard to have intimate conversations with people pushing and shoving 
their way to a session. 

Who will be speaking on behalf of our portion of web video? The networks and 
other corporate video entities have planted flags of occupation. Video hosting 
services are starting to diminish or phase out user generated content. 

We have concerns that conflict with corporate video production and others 
interest that overlap or are the same. 

I'd want to go if I knew straight up that there was a good mix of user creative 
sessions so that I could tolerate the commercial aspect.

I don't want to spend money and wind up feeling lonely in Las Vegas. Or 
alienated. Or ripped off; not in my current budget situation. 

I have more to say so I'll stop now. I'll nurture my additional rant off-line 
as I do the dishes.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Steve Garfield" <st...@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> When I was in NYC this weekend we were talking about the history of 
> vloggercon and if there was going to be another one.
> People want to have another one, but no one wants to run it.
> I was talking to hte folks at Blog World Expo and they are interested in 
> adding in Vloggercon to their October event. They would handle all the 
> registration.
> Blog World Expo also now combines New Media Expo. 
> Are people interested in this? 
> Oct 15-17 Las Vegas.
> http://www.blogworldexpo.com/
> Air and hotels are cheap.
> Let's talk here about it here and if there's interest I can talk to them 
> about getting a room or two for a vloggercon conference track within thier 
> conference.
> Thanks,
> --Steve

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