He could try mirroring it as it currently is using wget... here's a

I've used this technique to archive old WP blogs that I don't want to keep
up-to-date with security fixes.

Not certain it would work with blogger... but he could export, import to
another blog then mirror (hackish workaround tho it is).

good luck!

On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 10:02 AM, Jay dedman <jay.ded...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a friend who wants to export an old blogger blog. The file
> comes out in XML.
> He does NOT want to import it into another blog...but instead wants to
> save the old posts as html or txt files.
> Anyone have any experience saving a blog this way using the export
> files that Blogger spits out?
> Jay
> --
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