I agree, I've started to use 12seconds.tv again (left it for a long time)
since I got the new iphizzle 3gs last week and have been loving the service.
Plus, the site is built in Santa Cruz, my college alma matter:)

My page is here:

As my new video capabilities on my phone are new to me, I feel like a kid in
a candyshop. 12seconds helps me play with my sweet new addiction.

Schlomo Rabinowitz
http://VideoCampSF.com - Oct. 16-17

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Rupert Howe <rup...@twittervlog.tv> wrote:

> I've been really getting into 12 Seconds over the last few days.
> Shooting & posting little daily moments that until now, have either
> gone uncaptured or have sat on a hard drive, forgotten and unusable.
> I always thought 12seconds was just a Talking-To-Your-Webcam-Video-
> Twitter thing. But then last week, I saw some posts by Kath @aliak
> and Susan @kitykity of mobile moments, and it inspired me.
> There are lots of simple moments that I capture (or think about
> capturing) on my phone that haven't seemed substantial enough by
> themselves to make me want to post them to my blog. I still want to
> share them, but I don't - for fear that a mass of little throwaway
> things will drown out the things I've spent more time on, because of
> the chronological format of the blog.
> But actually, this kind of instant mobile videoblogging was really
> what I started Twittervlog for - shooting little things that catch my
> eye, using my phone, and sending them immediately to the web and to
> Twitter.
> So now I'm shooting and emailing to 12seconds straight from my Nokia
> N82 (either by wifi or 3G phone signal).
> And I have embedded a 12 seconds player in the sidebar of
> Twittervlog. So that the 12seconds clips are accessible from the
> vlog, but aren't superseding the other videos.
> Every 12seconds user gets their own RSS feed with MP4 and FLV files -
> so theoretically you could include your 12seconds videos in your blog
> feed (or easily add them to your Feedburner feed). I might do that.
> There's an iPhone app, and it integrates with Qik. You can upload
> from the site, or by email. Or use your webcam.
> The 12 seconds limit is also quite a good discipline. And you know
> that whatever you watch there won't be wasting your time!
> I recommend checking it out. My channel is at:
> http://12seconds.tv/channel/ruperthowe
> Rupert
> http://twittervlog.tv
> http://twitter.com/ruperthowe

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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