Hi Videobloggers and new media creators
I am in pre-production for a podcast I have been wanting to do for 
many months. Finally decided to get off my butt and do something about 
it. But I need some assistance or guidance in getting started. I have 
been creating media for many years but this is my first attempt at 
producing my own. Not having a TV or radio background like many of the 
successful show creators out in podcastland, this is all a bit 
different territory. 

The show will be non-fiction local news/lifestyle to a niche audience. 
I hope to get local business involved in the show, and hopefully that 
may lead to sponsorship of some kind. In approaching potential 
partners and collaborators to the venture my concern is to not to look 
amateur or unprepared. I want to present them with a media kit of some 
kind, ideally a one-sheet outlining the show and a pilot episode. I 
don't know if this is typical, I'm just guessing. 

Can anyone recommend a good book, blog or other that serves as a 
primer on show producing. What kind of data should go into the one- 
sheet? How should one approach businesses and collaborators? At what 
point do I mention sponsorship; do I ask up front and risk a negative 
reaction? So many questions and not sure where to look for answers. 

If any one has any experience in this area I'd love the benefit of 
some advice. I'm not looking to shirk the groundwork, just need to be 
pointed in the correct (read: most efficient) direction. 

Adam Mercado 
Creative Director 
Influxx Media Production 
714 928 9896

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