I'm not exactly clear why the Playlist player won't do it for you?
You mean you just want to embed their Show player, as it is on their  
Blip home page, with a panel with all their recent episodes?
You can do this by going to their Blip home page and clicking  
Syndicate Show - you will then see a list of the players they have  
configured below their Default player.  If they haven't configured  
any, you need to contact them to ask them to make one with a playlist  
down the side - then you'll be able to syndicate it in that format.
Otherwise, you're stuck manually making your own playlist for each show.


On 16-Oct-09, at 2:19 AM, ratbagradio wrote:

> As an experiment in video packaging I want to showcase a few online  
> channels on the one web site.
> The best way to do this is to embed each channels' show player.
> So I was seeking some assistance is obtaining the following DIY:
> * YouTube channel players are packaged as gadgets. The standard one  
> on offer is simply terrible -- 5 episodes and very small screen. So  
> I'm looking for the embed code that will deliver for a working  
> YouTube channel. Those I've tried amongst those listed don't work or  
> maybe there is knack to getting them to work. Any suggested code  
> sources? Recommendations?
> *BlipTV channel players are simply the best. But many BlipTV  
> channels only offer as default player the 'latest episode'. I want  
> the latest episode AND a selection option in the right side panel.  
> Maybe the code can be hacked, but is there an easy way to get the  
> code for selected channels? I can create one for customized  
> playlists by selecting content, but I wanted code specific to  
> selected whole channels. That is the player you are offered on each  
> channel's show page.
> Otherwise I'll have to approach each channel directly and request  
> them to supply episode listing as a embed code option
> dave riley

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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