As someone who hates coding, I hated wordpress. Unlike, say, typepad, I
could not find, despite browsing THOUSANDS of them, a single theme /
template that I was comfortable with, and I spent days tweaking the ones
that were close to get them to work for me. After one particular version
update broke a couple of my sites I just threw in the towel and went all but
offline for awhile.

I'm now slowly building something using squarespace, which is not free,
can't be self-hosted, but for someone who wants flexibility with as little
coding as possible it's kind of miraculous what you can do with it. If I
move off of it, it will because I've decided to build my own completely (if
I'm going to have to constantly tweak and code I'd rather just dive in,
learn it deeply, and do it myself than tweak css in wordpress templates),
but I'm optimistic that squarespace is going to let me live more thoroughly
in my right brain and still have a site that doesn't bug me aesthetically.

If I liked coding, though, I'd probably have stuck with self-hosted


Brook Hinton
film/video/audio art
studio vlog/blog:

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