David Jones: "Yes, Youtube seems to fit my niche market very well."

Hi Dave:
...I wasn't aiming to convince you otherwise. If YT is working for you under 
the model you've described, particular to your market, then perhaps it is 
the best fit for the content you offer.

David Jones: "IMO Youtube is essential and not an option for any blogger 
starting out."

Again, agreed. I do not espouse negating use of YouTube, only that its 
limitations with respect to (contact) list management are less desirable 
than other methods. For example; a YT subscriber base cannot be narrowly 
defined to suit a particular campaign, or generate more focused interest 
particular to a segment of users.

David Jones: "I, and I'm sure others be interested to hear exactly how 
you've made your living on the web for the last 9 years. I could eventually 
do the same thing I'm sure, even for my little niche market, all I need is 
10 times my current audience and I could probably consider doing it full 

Ok, but can your market sustain "10 times" your current audience?

While marketing is an extremely broad subject, slightly outside the scope of 
this topic... In short; I've never chosen an area without knowing the 
demographics and market aspects/sentiments, like the back of my hand. I don't 
select a target market without knowing (absolutely) what the realistic 
potential market penetration is, irrespective competition.

For TailTrex.tv as a CONDENSED example: there are 50 million U.S. dog owners 
(gross market); approximately 30 million (sub-market) of these engage 
outdoor activities with their dog(s), at least once per year; 17 million 
(narrow-market #1) engage outdoor activities with a dog(s), on multiple 
occasions per year; 9 million of these (narrow-market #2) utilize public 
lands (parks, recreation areas, forest lands, etc.) often; of the 9 million 
about 1.5 million routinely buy products and/or services to enhance outdoor 
activities with a dog(s); and, roughly 500,000 of the latter spend about 
$475 (or more) per year to facilitate their outdoor dog interests. (There 
are additional details, but hopefully you get the point.)

So while it would seem our target market are the 9 million dog owners who 
use public lands, the reality is only a fraction of the 1.5 million are 
motivated enough (based on other criteria) to find what TailTrex.tv offers 
of CONSISTENT interest. So our sub-target market are roughly 350,000 
hard-core dog owners who rigidly fit our model. However, REALISTICALLY, the 
potential consistent market penetration is only about 200,000. Our TARGET 
MARKET is then about 750k motivated dog owners, in order to achieve the 
averaged 200k penetration goal.

Of course I'm generalizing things a great deal, but my point is without 
knowing one's market extremely well products and services (and in the case 
of a vlog, CONTENT) cannot be crafted to suit that market for revenue 

Granted, it's my take that most folk on this list don't approach marketing 
as sophisticated as others (although I could be wrong). And there is nothing 
wrong with that, per se. Except when one desires to make a solid living 
online, knowing one's market (intimately) is the foundation upon which 
everything else SHOULD be built.

Hoping, guessing, shooting in the dark is not the path to making money 
online. Intimately understanding one's market is. And the best way to become 
more in-tune with a captive market (wants, desires, trends, etc.) is through 
a CONTROLLED contact list.

...YouTube, cannot facilitate that deal. It's not built to do so, thus 
trying to make YT fit a sustainable revenue stream is problematic. :D

Mark Villaseñor,
Canine Adventures For Charity - sm

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