Hi Sam,

Philippe Tillet <phil.til...@gmail.com>
> I noticed about two days ago that I had somehow screwed up
> external/viennacl-dev's filetype, but this was fixed yesterday I think.
> Could you try to simply delete the pyviennacl-dev repo, reclone it, run git
> submodule update --init && python setup.py build ?

Did this suggestion help?



> Philippe
> 2014-09-10 23:36 GMT-04:00 Karl Rupp <r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at>:
>> Hi Sam,
>>  > I'm trying to install pyviennacl from the git-hub source on a windows
>> > laptop.
>> >
>> > Here are my hardware specs and installed software:
>> >
>> > Win 8.1 pro x64
>> > Intel i5-2450m
>> > Amd hd 7670m
>> >
>> > Python 3.4.1 |Anaconda 2.0.1 (64-bit)| (default, May 19 2014, 13:02:30)
>> > [MSC v.1600 64 bit (AMD64)]
>> >
>> > AMD APP SDK 2.9.1
>> > Intel SDK for OpenCL 2013
>> >
>> > Windows v7.1 SDK for windows 7 and .net 4  --x64
>> Good, this looks all pretty new.
>> > In a SDK command prompt, after I enter:
>> > setenv /x64 /release
>> >
>> > I enter python setup.py build and it gives me the following output:
>> > running build
>> > running build_py
>> > running build_ext
>> > error: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified.
>> >
>> > Can someone tell me what is going on.
>> Toby (in CC:) should be able to tell you more about it. Did you init the
>> git submodules via
>>   git submodule update --init
>> ? A failure of build_ext with the error message you provided suggests
>> that some external files are missing.
>> Best regards,
>> Karli
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