Phan Vinh Thinh wrote:


On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 14:03:04 +0100, Hung Ho Q. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hinh nhu sarge load fluxbox cham hon khi chon locale unicode !. Bac
thu chon locale la en_US se nhanh hon .

DDu'ng ro^`i ddo' :), ddo' la` bo+?i vi` theo ma(.c ddi.nh fluxbox ddu+o+.c build vo+'i ho^~ tro+. ca'c pho^ng chu+~ nhie^`u byte (multi-byte fonts). Ne^'u build la.i bo? ho^~ tro+. na`y ddi thi` se~ kho+?I ddo^.ng nhanh ke^? ca? vo+'i local vi_VN.UTF-8. Chu? dde^` na`y dda~ ba`n tru+o+'c dda^y ro^`i :(

Ba`n o+? site na`o cho xin dia chi?
re-compile thi` ca^`n la`m nhu+~ng bu+o+'c na`o?
Hie^.n gio+` sarge cu?a mi`nh set en_US, mo+? fluxbox nhanh ro^`i. Nhu+ng co' va^'n dde^` la` trong flux box, meo vo+'i thunderbird thi` fonts kho^ng dde.p nhu+ trong gnome. Ta.i sao? Ca'ch xu+? li'?

m k h _ s g n

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