Thu+a ba'c maikhai,

Em dda~ ddo.c nhu+~ng lo+`i khuye^n cu?a ba'c va` tha`nh tha^.t xin ca?m o+n\. Ca' nha^n em thi` lu'c na^`y chi? nhi`n dde^'n vie^.c la`m va` ddo'ng go'p cu?a ca'c ba.n trong thi` ca?m tha^'y mi`nh cu~ng ddo'ng go'p "dda.i" ca'i gi` ddo', nhu+ng tin tu+o+?ng su+'c ma.nh va` tin tha^`n tra'ch nhie^.m cu?a nho'm ba.n tre? na^`y\.
Em se~ xin tra? lo+`i ba'c nga`y ga^`n dda^y, ne^'u co+ ho^.i cho phe'p\.
Ba'c tha(m trang ""; va` nhu+ng trang no^'i ke^'t lie^n he^. chu+a? Kha' vui ba'c a.

Ki'nh cha`o.

From: maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] Terminal Server Client in EDU:
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 16:12:16 +0700

On Tuesday 10 January 2006 23:58, G TT wrote:
> Thu+a ca'c ba'c,
> To^i co' the^? ddo'ng go'p mo^.t pha^`n ta`i cha'nh va` go'p co^ng trong > "$3000 EDU Project" ma` ba'c Larry/ dde^`nghi. (Co' the^? pha^`n
> MO^.T ma'y chu?\.)\. DDie^`u kie^.n la`:
> 1. He^. tho^'ng pha?i cha.y vnlinux/EDU/secure va` pha?i ddu+o+.c thu+?
> nghie^.m va` documented (OS/software/Server-client installation, setup va`
> administration) tru+o+'c\.
> 2. Hoan nghe^nh vie^.c ke^u go.i va` ddo'ng go'p cu?a ca'c business/co^ng > ty/ca' nha^n cho mo.i thu+' (laptops/LAN NICs/monitors/hub/router/cables..)
> ke^? ca? ddo^`du`ng ro^`i nhu+ng thi'ch ho+.p cho LTSP (xem tri'ch *
> du+o+'i). Song ta^m ly' "ca^y nha`la' vu+o+`n" la` go.i ca'c ho.c sinh/phu.
> huynh ddem ma'y nha`va`o "Le^`u vnlinux/2006(7?)" mo^.t nga`y tru+o+'c,
> dde^? technicians ga('n NIC va`o ma'y ho. no^'i ke^'t dde^'n
> server. Ho.c sinh/phu. huynh ddem ma'y nha`va`o se~ ddu+o+.c ta(.ng nhu+~ng
> bo^. pha^.n (NIC, games... :-) ) dda~ ga('n va`o lu'c hoa`n
> tra? ma'y. Server/documents-manuals/software thi` ta(.ng cho tru+o+`ng khi > "Le^`u vnlinux/2006(7?)" ke^'t thu'c. Cho khu vu+.c ma` toa`n the^? chu+a
> co' ma'y rie^ng, thi` se~ cho ho.c sinh mu+o+.n ma'y
> (laptops/outdated desktops, ddo'ng go'p qua ca'c business/co^ng ty/ca'
> nha^n nhu+ dda~ dde^`ca^.p) va` se~ ta(.ng nguye^n ma'y cho ca'c ho.c sinh
> xua^'t sa('t theo tie^u chua^?n cu?a tru+o+`ng/ca'c phu. huynh/va`
> Ca'c ba'c va` Larry nghi~ sao?

Vie^.c na`y no'i chung ra(`ng hay thi` tha^.t la` hay, the^' nhu+ng thie^?n
nghi~ co' ma^'y chuye^.n nhu+ sau :

1/ Ne^n cho.n la`m o+? tru+o+`ng na`o ? ca^'p na`o ? Ca'i na`y RA^T quan trong
vi` :

a/ Ne^'u la`m o+? mo^.t tru+o+`ng ca^'p 1, thi` vie^.c hi`nh tha`nh mo^.t
"ddo^.i ngu~" Hu+o+'ng da^~n vie^n la` chuye^.n kho'. Pha^`n nhie^`u tre? em
thi'ch ho.c Co^ ho+n ho.c Tha^'y. Ma` kie^'m cho ra va`i ba Co^ vu+`a da.y
ddu+o+.c Linux, vu+`a chi.u la`m co^ng qua? la` vo^ cu`ng kho'.
b/ Ne^'u la`m o+? ca^'p 2 hay 3 tuy chuye^.n ti`m Su+ Phu. kho^ng kho' ba(`ng, nhu+ng no' la.i Ha`ng vo+'i da`n tha^'y co^ co' sa(~n trong mo^n Tin Ho.c cu?a Nha` tru+o+`ng. Ne^n nho+' du` ta co' y' to^'t, nhu+ng va^~n cu+'
bi. nhi`n vo+'i con ma('t la.nh lu`ng.

Ma(.t kha'c, vo+'i co+ che^' hie^.n nay, chuye^.n ddu+a mo^.t y' tu+o+?ng
mo+'i hay mo^.t mo^ hi`nh mo+'i va`o a'p hoa(.c thu+? nghie^.m ta.i
ba^'t ky` mo^.t tru+o+`ng ho.c na`o, xem ra se~ ngay pha?i ca'i ddinh dda^`u tie^n la` ca^'p tha^?m quye^`n. Hie^.u tru+o+?ng se~ tu+` cho^'i khe'o
vi` chu+a co' chi? dda.o cu?a Pho`ng (hoa(.c So+?. Pho`ng So+? cu~ng de^~
da`ng thoa'i tha'c vi` chu+a co' y' kie^'n cu?a Bo^., vv.

Gi?a thu+? mo^.t Hie^.u tru+o+?ng na`o dda^'y co' tinh tha^`n chi.u . . .
cho+i, da'm thu+? mo^.t phen, thi` vi. na`y se~ ngay va`o chuye^.n
trang bi. : Kho^ng ti`m dda^u ra mo^.t ca'i xo' dde^? dda(.t ma'y mo'c. Dat
ro^`i thi` Ai coi giu+~ba?o qua?n? Mo^.t tru+o+`ng ca^'p 3 tha^.t to chi? co'
chu+`ng 3 Ba?o ve^., chia ca ra la`m mo^~i ngu+o+`i 8 tie^'ng, chi? ca^`n
Hie^.u tru+o+?ng cho tro^`ng the^m mo^.t ca'i ca^y kie^?ng dda~ la` the^m
vie^.c, hao su+'c ro^`i. Kho^ng ai muo^'n co~ng the^m mo^.t ca'i pho`ng
dda^`y nhu+~ng Laptop dda('t tie^`n.

La.i cu~ng ddu+`ng ne^n que^n : ha^`u nhu+ cha(?ng co' tru+o+`ng na`o ddu+o+.c
trang bi. ADSL. Co`n Dial-Up ne^'u co' thi` chi? ca('m va`o mo^.t ma'y duy
nha^'t [:)]. Kho^ng hie^?u ca'i he^. tho^'ng ddang ba`n dda^y co' ca^`n ADSL
hay kho^ng?
Sau nu+~a, du` i't du` nhie^`u cu~ng pha?i xa`i ddie^.n. Ai tra? tie^`n

Sau he^'t, ve^` vie^.c da.y : Da.y ca'i gi` ? Chu+o+ng tri`nh the^' na`o? Ai
chi.u tra'ch nhie^.m? Ai duye^.t? Ai cho phe'p? Ne^'u du`ng chu+o+ng ti`nh
hie^.n ddang la` mo^n ho.c chi'nh kho'a, thi` hie^?n nhie^n la` da^~m va`o
sa^n ngu+o+`i kha'c, ddie^`u na`y to^'i ki.. Co' the^? no'i Ra^'t Vo^ Cu`ng
To^'i Ki. :)
Va? cha(ng, dda^y la` project co' ti'nh ca'ch tho+`i vu., kho^ng chi'nh
thu+'c, rie^ng bie^.t va` dda(.c thu`. E ra(`ng kho' co' mo^.t Hie^.u
tru+o+?ng na`o ma` la.i kho^ng e de`.

Co' gi?ai quye^'t ddu+o+.c ma^'y va^'n dde^` na`y thi` mo+'i co' co+ may ddem
du+. a'n di thuye^'t phu.c ca'c tru+o+`ng. Ne^n nho+' chu'ng ta thi` tha^'y
ra(`ng chu'ng ta ddo'ng go'p co^ng su+'c sa'ng kie^'n to^? chu+'. Nhu+ng ca'c
tru+o+`ng chu+a cha('c nghi~ nhu+ va^.y. Ho. nghi~ ngu+o+.c la.i kho^ng
chu+`ng !

Va` cuo^'i cu`ng, cu~ng kho^ng ne^n que^n : ca'i gi` xem ra co' a(n thi` ca'i
a^'y se~ co' con Ca' Ma^.p nha?y va`o. Co' khi no' ru? ca? dda`n Ca' Ma^.p
nu+~a ki`a. Va` no' cho cho chu'ng ta ra ri`a. To^i ra^'t ky. ca' ma^.p.

Co`n ca'i gi` Ca' Ma^.p kho^ng a(n, thi` ca'i a^'y toa`n nhu+~ng  . . .
xu+o+ng. Pha?i xem ky~ bo^. ra(ng cu?a mi`nh tru+o+'c khi chie^'n dda^'u.

> -------------------
> *: "..we had 20 Toshiba laptops at our disposal, kindly donated to the
> Bristol Wireless project by Serco. These machines were around ten years old > with first generation Pentium processors running at 120 MHz, most of them
> with sound and some with CD-ROM drives. Although they were not really
> suitable for running a modern operating system on due to lack of RAM, hard > disc, video memory and processor speed, the marvel of LTSP is that a client
> machine needs very little resources to work as it effectively acts as a
> remotely-driven screen and keyboard.."
> ===================================================
> >From: "Larry Nguyen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To:
> >To: <>
> >Subject: Re: [Vietlug] Terminal Server Client in EDU:
> >
> >Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 08:31:49 -0600
> >
> >On 12:10:37 pm 01/09/06 "G TT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > DDi tha(m dda^y:
> > >
> > > Bao gio+`...
> >
> >A perfect example! Chi? ca^`n $3,000 la` co' the^? co' mo^.t pho`ng lab
> >vo+'i 10 ca'i laptop va` mo^.t ca'i server.
> >
> >Co' le~ mi`nh ne^n la`m mo^.t ca'i project cho VietLUG ke^u go.i
> > businesses ddo'ng go'p tie^`n ro^`i se~ cho.n mo^.t tru+o+`ng ho.c o+? VN
> > chu+a co' ma'y ti'nh, mi`nh se~ du`ng tie^`n (co' le~ va` co^ng) dde^?
> > set up.
> >
> >Y' ma^'y ba'c tha^'y sao?
> >
> >-Larry
> >
> >
> >
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