On 7:17:58 am 02/07/06 Tri H Trinh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To^i dda~ mo+? port tu+` 1025 dde^'n 65535 (TCP va UDP) tre^n firewall
> nhu+ng va^~n kho^ng update ddu+o+.c game Vo lam truyen ky. Co' ba'c
> na`o bie^'t ca'ch xin chi? du`m.
> Firewall box cha.y FC4 vo+'i iptables va` Squid
> Tri

Ba'c no'i mo+? port 0 hie^?u ba'c mo+? ba(`ng le^.nh hay ba'c du`ng GUI.
Mo+? port tre^n firewall nghi~a la` chi? mo+? INPUT tre^n firewall. Ne^'u
ma'y trong LAN muo^'n mo+? thi` ba'c pha?i du`ng FORWARD.

Vi` 0 du`ng Vo Lam truyen ky ne^n chi? ddoa'n va^.y Ba'c xem la.i.


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