To^i du`ng ethereal kie^?m tra thi` tha^'y VLTK du`ng passive FTP
dde^? update, Lo^~i pha't sinh ta.i package PORT cu?a Client khi du`ng
qua tu+o+`ng lu+?a. So sa'nh:

-- Khi kho^ng co' tu+o+`ng lu+?a:

Src: client, Dest: Upd server
port: 4712  to port: 21
Request command: PORT
Request arg: 192,168,200,64,18,105
Active IP address:
Active port 4713

Src: Upd Server, Dest: client
port 21 to port 4712
Response code: Command okay (200)
Response arg: PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.

-- Khi co' tu+o+`ng lu+?a

Src: client, Dest: Upd server
port: 2223  to port: 21
Request command: PORT
Request arg: 192,168,100,126,8,176
Active IP address:
Active port 2224

Src: Upd Server, Dest: client
port 21 to port 2223
Response code: Syntax error, command unrecognized (500)
Response arg: Illegal PORT command

Xin ca'c ba'c va`i ve'.

DDa ta.


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