On 1:16:41 pm 02/19/06 "Le X. Thao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Larry, I truely respect what you're doing for VN. But it would be much
> better if you tried to seek to understand first and then to be
> understood. Besides, it's just rude to assume that other don't
> understand or don't read your post carefully. What i am doing here is
> suggesting a solution. From what i see, i am being judged from that
> suggestion. That's not I expected.

I apologize that I took it out on you. I'm tired of hearing people
promoting GPL software and rejecting/viewing down on any other
distributions that they don't think it's GPL enough just simple because
it's owned by a commercial company; And yet they go on and advise people to
use non-GPL software to fix an issue where *there is* a GPL solution.


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