This is an interesting point.  I have never heard anyone perform the 
dedillo successfully, with the exception of Ronn McFarlane, who (if my 
memory serves me correctly) used it on some Milan pieces in an older solo 
CD of his.

Other than that, I know of nobody who now uses it.


At 09:49 PM 6/8/2005 +0100, Rob MacKillop wrote:
>Martyn sent me this:
>To get back to the Vihuela, - do you know anyone who plays dedillo (I think
>that's the term)? ie running passages played with index alone:   I've tried,
>and failed - dismally.
>Thanks and rgds
>I sympathise with Martyn. Dedillo can sound awful, and I have to say I try
>it every once in a while but always with the same results. Not to my liking.
>I think it works best if the nail is a little bit long. I have seen a few
>folk guitar players use the technique, but it sounds pretty lousy to my
>ears, although it doesn't 'jump out' as it does when I use it. I guess that
>is because the tone they produce generally is pretty rough. I imagine there
>was a great variety amongst players in the 16th century regarding tone
>production. Most of us arrive at vihuela via lute or classical guitar, where
>we have spent years trying to 'improve' our tone. Dedillo seems like a step
>backwards. But maybe I just can't do it properly!
>Anyone out there had success with this technique?
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Edward Martin
2817 East 2nd Street
Duluth, Minnesota  55812
voice:  (218) 728-1202

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