--- "Eugene C. Braig IV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The formalized, 
> documented tuning intervals of academic music are
> more stable by nature and 
> the only historic tunings we have any hope of
> knowing.

if that's all you're looking for.  isn't it just as
feasible to consider those tunings to be genuine in
european origin and as unchanging as the
guitar/vihuela variations which support them?  how
feasible is it that a south american would be
determined enough to alter an existing instrument and
its tuning - passed down to him, ultimately, from the
first europeans off the boat - to make it sound more
"south american?"
> ... I'm absolutely certain that more
> happened in the field of 
> old guitars than what has survived (e.g., no
> renaissance-era 4-course 
> guitar has survived, although there is surviving
> published music for it), 
> but without physical, period evidence, whatever that
> was cannot be 
> considered as any more than the kind of speculation
> that makes for 
> entertaining movies.  I take no issue with historic
> speculation if it is 
> named such and weighed accordingly.

don't know how suitably entertaining it would be for
movies but that's something, at least.  especially
when considering that "standards" in the manufacture
of anything is a 20th cent. concept and there's no
counting for the individual taste of luthiers or their
clients - past or present.  it seems awfully mean to
me to endlessly restrict the making or recognition of
period instruments to just those few examples which

must cook ... then eat ...

chow - bill  

"and thus i made...a small vihuela from the shell of a creepy crawly..." - Don 
Gonzalo de Guerrero (1512), "Historias de la Conquista del Mayab" by Fra Joseph 
of San Buenaventura.  go to:  http://www.charango.cl/paginas/quieninvento.htm

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