gleaned the following from a "5c. vihuela" alert on
google in response to the question of "who invented
the guitar?" ... anything missing?:

1265 Juan Gil of Zamora mentions the early guitar in
"Ars Musica."

1283-1350 Guitarra Latina & Guitar Moresca are
mentioned multiple times in the poems of the
Archpriest of Hita

1306 A "gitarer" was played at the Feast of
Westminster in England

1404 "Der mynnen regein" by Eberhard Von Cersne makes
reference to a "quinterne."

1487 Johannes Tinctoris described the guitarra as
being invented by the Catalans. This refers to the
four course guitar. Each course represents one pair of
double strings.

1546 "Tres Libros de Musica en Cifras para Vihuela" by
Alonso Mudarra is the first publication to include
music for guitar.

1551-1555 Nine books of tablature were published by
Adrian Le Roy. These include the first pieces for 5
course guitar. The addition of the fifth course was
attributed to Vicente Espinel

1600-1650 Many publications of tablature for the
guitar. It's popularity begins to rival the lute.

1674 Publication of "Guitarre Royal" by F. Corbetta
increased the guitar's popularity. It was dedicated to
Louis XIV.

1770-1800 A sixth string was added to the guitar and
the courses were replaced by single strings.

1800-1850 Guitar enjoyed a large popularity both in
performances and publishing. Fernando Sor, Mauro
Guiliani, Matteo Carcassi and Dioniso Aguado all
performed, taught, wrote and had published their

1850-1892 Guitar maker Antonio de Torres develops the
larger more resonant instrument we know today.

1916 Segovia performs at Ateneo, the most important
concert hall in Madrid. Before this it was thought
that the guitar did not have the volume for this type
of venue.

1946 Nylon replaces gut as a string material

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