On Wed, 7 Apr 2010 10:43:05 -0700 (PDT)
Mark Coulter <i_offr...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> If I run viking from the command line it picks up that variable and
> uses it. If I run viking from the menu or double clicking file.viking
> file it doesn't pick up the variable.
Most likely /etc/environment is read by the shell you use. Therefore it
is set on the command line. If you start viking from the shell it
becomes a child of the shell and inherits the shell environement. But
if you start viking by double clicking, viking is a child of the window
manager that in turn is a child of the display manager that is a child
if init(8). There is no shell in between that reads /etc/environment.
So the env-var is not set.

I set my environement in ~/.xsession. But most likely you are not using
a ~/.xsession. Maybe you have to add somthing like 
. /etc/environment
to the rc-script that starts your display manager.

For the bash(1) there is also a difference in reading startup files
like /etc/profile depending on the shell being interactive or not...


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