> > It doesn't matter too much to me. I think you're right the second options is
> > slightly better. I'm guessing many people who use viking will be the sole
> > users of their computers (like I am), so they can edit the /usr/share and
> > /etc/ files directly themselves. One thing that would be nice would be the
> > ability to use the global maps.xml file without doing a make install (i.e.
> > it looks in the directory relative to where it is), but even that isn't
> > really necessary, since I or a user can just copy it into his
> > ~/.viking/maps.xml directory. It would be good to try and give as much
> > visibility about this file as possible, though.
> Humh, I do not really like the idea to load a local file silently. But
> perhaps I'm wrong.

My 2p or 2cents (American or Euro) ....

Since Viking is a desktop program, to me that means it is effectively is for 
the sole user of the that machine.

However, it could best to move all current code definitions of maps into a 
central maps.xml - and then load in your own maps.xml afterwards.
1. This simplifies the code as Evan notes
2. It's 'easier' to add new ones for developers.
3. The end user can remove any one they don't want to use by editing the system 
4. The end user can override the system ones if they choose to with their own 

Checking each of XDG_DATA_DIRS for /viking/maps.xml files

See: http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html

Albeit there still needs some way of choosing the default - e.g. Mapquest entry 
- but if not there - then use the first in the list of available maps.

> What do you think about adding a command line option to:
> - specify a single .xml file
> - specify a config directory
> I think the second option is better and probably cover your expected use case.
> A related question is "What is the precedence of the file specified in
> command line?" I think common usage expect that command line option
> are prior than $HOME config files, prior than /etc prior than
> /usr/share.
> Other idea is to add a VIKING_CONFIG_PATH variable environment. If
> unset, built-in configuration path is
> $HOME/.viking:/etc/viking:/usr/shar/viking. If set, the built-in is
> not used and only the specified path are used. But perhaps should we
> ALWAYS process the $HOME/.viking even when VIKING_CONFIG_PATH is set.

This seems a lot of complexity, just load a couple of files in a predefined 
order - system ones then user ones.

It would be really good (for the end user) if one could edit/reload the map 
configuration from within Viking itself, without having to fiddle with text 
file configurations directly. Not that I'm volunteering to write such code :)

But this should make it *much more* obvious the default maps can be changed.

However I suspect most people who use Viking would be capable of 
fiddling with their maps.xml (and probably know of this possibility or find out 
via the Wiki)

Viking is *not* that simple to use - especially for new users ( I won't go into 
it's shortfalls ATM - perhaps I should write a blog post... )

Maybe we should just stick CalTopo in - as in USA is important (large 
population + probably many Viking users).
Whether that's via code - as it is the more expedient way or via a future 
deployed maps.xml (or maps-us.xml etc..)

Only if anyone else expresses an interest, would I think it's worth trying to 
do 'VIKING_CONFIG_PATH' or command line options (not that I expect many desktop 
users to invoke Viking via the command line).

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