On Mon, Jan 02, 2023 at 11:23:54AM +0000, Chris Green wrote:
> So, after partially understanding the syntax highlighting issue I now
> see that entering accented characters is still broken.
> As reported a while ago vile 9.8v gets confused when you try to enter
> accented characters (I use a Multi_key, so to enter, for example an e
> with an acute accent I hit Multi_key, e, ').
> On vile 9.8u (and earlier, I've checked 9.8t too) entering accented
> characters with the Multi_key works perfectly.  On 9.8v (as reported)
> on entering an accented character an odd backslash sequence is echoed
> and it's not the character entered.
> On vile 9.8w (from the Ubuntu repository) entering an accented
> character does nothing if you enter just one accented character but if
> you enter a second accented character that *does* get added.  This
> continues, entering a series of accented characters every other one
> actually gets inserted.

I hadn't noticed this, but can reproduce it (with 9.8x, and in a quick
test with empty .vilerc, the same).  Attaching a debug trace with 6
keypresses, 3 characters inserted.

Thomas E. Dickey <dic...@invisible-island.net>
| old_locale 'en_US.UTF-8'
| called {{ vl_get_encoding(en_US.UTF-8)
| return }} UTF-8
| system getenv LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
| Checking for UTF-8 suffix of 'en_US.UTF-8'
| called {{ vl_narrowed(en_US.UTF-8)
| system getenv VILE_LOCALE_MAPPING=
| regparser {/\.\(UTF\|utf\)[-]\?8$//}
| ...regparser {\.\(UTF\|utf\)[-]\?8$}
| regparser {//}
| ...regparser {}
| regcomp("\\.\\(UTF\\|utf\\)[-]\\?8$", magic)
| after regmassage: '\\.(UTF|utf)[-]?8$'
| vl_narrowed match ".UTF-8", replace with ""
| return }} en_US
| called {{ vl_init_8bit(en_US.UTF-8, en_US)
| setup mixed-locale(en_US.UTF-8, en_US)
| called {{ vl_get_encoding(en_US.UTF-8)
| | return }} UTF-8
| called {{ vl_get_encoding(en_US)
| | return }} ISO-8859-1
| ...locale encodings(UTF-8, ISO-8859-1)
| try_encoding(from=ISO-8859-1, to=UTF-8) OK
| fixed-up 0 of 256 8bit/utf8 mappings
| assume 256 Latin1 codes
| return }} 
| setlocale(en_US) -> 'en_US'
| called {{ vl_get_encoding(en_US)
| return }} ISO-8859-1
| called {{ vl_ctype_init() lo=0, hi=0
| wide_locale:en_US.UTF-8
| narrow_locale:en_US
| current_locale:en_US
| Forcing printable for [128..min(-1,255)]
| return }} 
| called {{ global_val_init()
| regcomp("\\(\\[\\([!]\\?[[:print:]]\\+\\)\\]\\)\\|\\([[:ident:].-]\\+\\)", 
| after regmassage: '(\\[([!]?[[:print:]]+)\\])|([[:ident:].-]+)'
| regcomp("^\\s*\\(\\(\\s*[#*>]\\)\\|\\(///*\\)\\)\\+", magic)
| after regmassage: '^\\s*((\\s*[#*\\>])|(///*))+'
| regcomp("^\\s*/\\?\\(\\s*[#*>/]\\)\\+/\\?\\s*$", magic)
| after regmassage: '^\\s*/?(\\s*[#*\\>/])+/?\\s*$'
| regcomp("/\\*", magic)
| after regmassage: '/\\*'
| regcomp("^\\s*#\\s*elif\\>", magic)
| after regmassage: '^\\s*#\\s*elif>'
| regcomp("^\\s*#\\s*else\\>", magic)
| after regmassage: '^\\s*#\\s*else>'
| regcomp("\\*/", magic)
| after regmassage: '\\*/'
| regcomp("^\\s*#\\s*endif\\>", magic)
| after regmassage: '^\\s*#\\s*endif>'
| regcomp("^\\s*#\\s*if", magic)
| after regmassage: '^\\s*#\\s*if'
| regcomp("\\w\\+", magic)
| after regmassage: '\\w+'
| regcomp("\\(\\.orig\\|~\\)$", magic)
| after regmassage: '(\\.orig|~)$'
| after regmassage: '^\\.[ILPQ]P>|^\\.P>|^\\.LI>|^\\.[plinb]p>|^\\.?\\s*$'
| regcomp("[[:file:]]\\+", magic)
| after regmassage: '[[:file:]]+'
| after regmassage: '((\\[([!]?[[:print:]]+)\\])|([[:ident:].-]+)|[[:file:]]+)'
| regcomp("^[{^L]\\|^\\.[NS]H\\>\\|^\\.HU\\?\\>\\|^\\.[us]h\\>\\|^+c\\>", magic)
| after regmassage: '^[\\{^L]|^\\.[NS]H>|^\\.HU?>|^\\.[us]h>|^\\+c>'
| regcomp("[.!?][])"']* \\?$\\|[.!?][])"']*  
| after regmassage: '[.!\\?][]\\)"']* ?$|[.!\\?][]\\)"']*  
| set_state_variable(empty-lines,1)
| ...set_state_variable ->1
| set_state_variable(filename-expr,[[:file:]])
| regcomp("[[:file:]]", magic)
| after regmassage: '[[:file:]]'
| ...set_state_variable ->1
| vile getenv VILE_HELP_FILE=
| set_state_variable(helpfile,vile.hlp)
| ...set_state_variable ->1
| after regmassage: 
| called {{ vl_init_8bit(en_US.UTF-8, en_US)
| | setup mixed-locale(en_US.UTF-8, en_US)
| | called {{ vl_get_encoding(en_US.UTF-8)
| | | return }} UTF-8
| | called {{ vl_get_encoding(en_US)
| | | return }} ISO-8859-1
| | ...locale encodings(UTF-8, ISO-8859-1)
| | try_encoding(from=ISO-8859-1, to=UTF-8) OK
| | fixed-up 0 of 256 8bit/utf8 mappings
| | assume 256 Latin1 codes
| | return }} 
| ...set_state_variable ->1
| vile getenv VILE_LIBDIR_PATH=
| set_state_variable(libdir-path,/usr/lib/vile)
| ...set_state_variable ->1
| set_state_variable(look-in-cwd,true)
| ...set_state_variable ->1
| set_state_variable(look-in-home,true)
| ...set_state_variable ->1
| set_state_variable(modeline-format,%-%i%- %b %m:: :%f:is : :%=%F: : 
:%l:(:,:%c::) :%p::% :%C:char ::%S%-%-%|)
| ...set_state_variable ->1
| set_state_variable(position-format,Line %{$curline}d of %{$blines}d, Col 
%{$curcol}d of %{$lcols}d, Char %{$curchar}d of %{$bchars}d (%P%%) char is 
0x%{$char}x or 0%{$char}o)
| ...set_state_variable ->1
| set_state_variable(prompt,: )
| ...set_state_variable ->1
| set_state_variable(replace,)
| ...set_state_variable ->1
| vile getenv VILE_STARTUP_FILE=
| set_state_variable(startup-file,.vilerc)
| ...set_state_variable ->1
| vile getenv VILE_STARTUP_PATH=
| parse_pathlist(/usr/share/vile)
| ...parse_pathlist() ->'/usr/share/vile'
| find_in_path_list
| parse_pathlist(<null>)
| ...parse_pathlist(<null>) ->''
|       -> 0
| file_stat(/usr/share/vile) = 0
| parse_pathlist()
| ...parse_pathlist(<null>) ->''
| ...append_to_path_list
| parse_pathlist(/usr/share/vile)
| ...parse_pathlist() ->'/usr/share/vile'
| find_in_path_list
| parse_pathlist(/usr/share/vile)
| ...parse_pathlist() ->'/usr/share/vile'
|       -> 1
| parse_pathlist()
| ...parse_pathlist(<null>) ->''
| ...append_to_path_list
| set_state_variable(startup-path,/usr/share/vile)
| ...set_state_variable ->1
| called {{ alloc_mode(c,1)
| | extend_VAL_array (nil) item 0 of 1
| | extend_VAL_array (nil) item 0 of 1
| | regcomp("", magic)
| | after regmassage: ''
| | regcomp("", magic)
| | after regmassage: ''
| | regcomp("", magic)
| | after regmassage: ''
| | regcomp("", magic)
| | after regmassage: ''
| | called {{ compute_majormodes_order(1)
| | | order final: c
| | | checked 1 majormodes
| | | return }} 
| | return }} 1
| called {{ alloc_mode(vile,1)
| | extend_VAL_array 0x55846d7038e0 item 1 of 2
| | extend_VAL_array 0x55846d705220 item 1 of 2
| | regcomp("", magic)
| | after regmassage: ''
| | regcomp("", magic)
| | after regmassage: ''
| | regcomp("", magic)
| | after regmassage: ''
| | regcomp("", magic)
| | after regmassage: ''
| | called {{ compute_majormodes_order(2)
| | | order final: c vile
| | | checked 2 majormodes
| | | return }} 
| | return }} 1
| called {{ set_submode_val(c, 52, 8)
| | return }} 
| called {{ set_submode_val(c, 59, 8)
| | return }} 
| called {{ set_submode_val(c, 11, 1)
| | return }} 
| called {{ set_submode_txt(c, 12, :#{}()[])
| | return }} 
| called {{ set_majormode_rexp(c, 6, \.\(\([CchisS]\)\|CC\|cc\|cpp\|cxx\|hxx\)$)
| | regcomp("\\.\\(\\([CchisS]\\)\\|CC\\|cc\\|cpp\\|cxx\\|hxx\\)$", magic)
| | after regmassage: '\\.(([CchisS])|CC|cc|cpp|cxx|hxx)$'
| | return }} 
| return }} 
| called {{ winit(0)
| winit creating bminip & wminip
| called {{ bfind(, 1)
| | 
| | 
| | after regmassage: 
| | return }} 0x55846d70c760
| called {{ bfind(      UTF-8, 1)
| | 
| | 
| | after regmassage: 
| | return }} 0x55846d70cfe0
| return }} 
| current_directory(/usr/build/vile/vile)
| called {{ canonpath '/usr/build/vile/vile/./vile'
| return }} /usr/build/vile/vile/vile
| called {{ canonpath '/usr/build/vile/vile/'
| return }} /usr/build/vile/vile
| called {{ tcap_open()
| vl_open_mbterm
| ...using vl_mb_getch(locale)
| ...using vl_mb_putch
| called {{ set_colors(8)
| | called {{ set_fsm_choices(fcolor)
| | |    [0] black = 0 (0)
| | |    [1] blue = 4 (0x4)
| | |    [2] cyan = 6 (0x6)
| | |    [3] default = -1 (0xffffffff)
| | |    [4] green = 2 (0x2)
| | |    [5] magenta = 5 (0x5)
| | |    [6] red = 1 (0x1)
| | |    [7] white = 7 (0x7)
| | |    [8] yellow = 3 (0x3)
| | | return }} 
| | called {{ set_fsm_choices(bcolor)
| | |    [0] black = 0 (0)
| | |    [1] blue = 4 (0x4)
| | |    [2] cyan = 6 (0x6)
| | |    [3] default = -1 (0xffffffff)
| | |    [4] green = 2 (0x2)
| | |    [5] magenta = 5 (0x5)
| | |    [6] red = 1 (0x1)
| | |    [7] white = 7 (0x7)
| | |    [8] yellow = 3 (0x3)
| | | return }} 
| | called {{ set_fsm_choices(ccolor)
| | |    [0] black = 0 (0)
| | |    [1] blue = 4 (0x4)
| | |    [2] cyan = 6 (0x6)
| | |    [3] default = -1 (0xffffffff)
| | |    [4] green = 2 (0x2)
| | |    [5] magenta = 5 (0x5)
| | |    [6] red = 1 (0x1)
| | |    [7] white = 7 (0x7)
| | |    [8] yellow = 3 (0x3)
| | | return }} 
| | called {{ set_fsm_choices(visual-matches)
| | |    [0] black = 2048 (0x800)
| | |    [1] blue = 18432 (0x4800)
| | |    [2] bold = 128 (0x80)
| | |    [3] color = 61440 (0xf000)
| | |    [4] cyan = 26624 (0x6800)
| | |    [5] green = 10240 (0x2800)
| | |    [6] italic = 64 (0x40)
| | |    [7] magenta = 22528 (0x5800)
| | |    [8] none = 0 (0)
| | |    [9] red = 6144 (0x1800)
| | |    [10] reverse = 16 (0x10)
| | |    [11] underline = 32 (0x20)
| | |    [12] white = 63488 (0xf800)
| | |    [13] yellow = 47104 (0xb800)
| | | return }} 
| | called {{ set_fsm_choices(mini-hilite)
| | |    [0] black = 2048 (0x800)
| | |    [1] blue = 18432 (0x4800)
| | |    [2] bold = 128 (0x80)
| | |    [3] color = 61440 (0xf000)
| | |    [4] cyan = 26624 (0x6800)
| | |    [5] green = 10240 (0x2800)
| | |    [6] italic = 64 (0x40)
| | |    [7] magenta = 22528 (0x5800)
| | |    [8] none = 0 (0)
| | |    [9] red = 6144 (0x1800)
| | |    [10] reverse = 16 (0x10)
| | |    [11] underline = 32 (0x20)
| | |    [12] white = 63488 (0xf800)
| | |    [13] yellow = 47104 (0xb800)
| | | return }} 
| | return }} 1
| TGETSTR(il) = ^[[%p1%dL
| TGETSTR(dl) = ^[[%p1%dM
| TGETSTR(il1) = ^[[L
| TGETSTR(el) = ^[[K
| TGETSTR(clear) = ^[[H^[[2J
| TGETSTR(cup) = ^[[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH
| TGETSTR(csr) = ^[[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr
| TGETSTR(dl1) = ^[[M
| TGETSTR(rmkx) = ^[[?1l^[>
| TGETSTR(smkx) = ^[[?1h^[=
| TGETSTR(rmso) = ^[[27m
| TGETSTR(ind) = ^J
| TGETSTR(smso) = ^[[7m
| TGETSTR(rev) = ^[[7m
| TGETSTR(ri) = ^[M
| TGETSTR(rmcup) = ^[[?1049l^[[23;0;0t
| TGETSTR(smcup) = ^[[?1049h^[[22;0;0t
| TGETSTR(setaf) = ^[[3%p1%dm
| TGETSTR(setab) = ^[[4%p1%dm
| TGETSTR(setf) = 
| TGETSTR(setb) = 
| TGETSTR(op) = ^[[39;49m
| TGETSTR(flash) = ^[[?5h$<100/>^[[?5l
| TGETSTR(sgr0) = ^[(B^[[m
| TGETSTR(bold) = ^[[1m
| TGETSTR(smul) = ^[[4m
| TGETSTR(rmul) = ^[[24m
| TGETSTR(sitm) = <null>
| TGETSTR(ritm) = <null>
| TGETSTR(cnorm) = ^[[?12l^[[?25h
| TGETSTR(civis) = ^[[?25l
| set_ctrans(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15)
| ...ctrans, where not 1-1:
| TGETSTR(kf35) = ^[[23;5~
| TGETSTR(kf34) = ^[[21;5~
| TGETSTR(kf33) = ^[[20;5~
| TGETSTR(kf32) = ^[[19;5~
| TGETSTR(kf31) = ^[[18;5~
| TGETSTR(kf30) = ^[[17;5~
| TGETSTR(kf29) = ^[[15;5~
| TGETSTR(kf28) = ^[[1;5S
| TGETSTR(kf27) = ^[[1;5R
| TGETSTR(kf26) = ^[[1;5Q
| TGETSTR(kf25) = ^[[1;5P
| TGETSTR(kf24) = ^[[24;2~
| TGETSTR(kf23) = ^[[23;2~
| TGETSTR(kf22) = ^[[21;2~
| TGETSTR(kf21) = ^[[20;2~
| TGETSTR(kf20) = ^[[19;2~
| TGETSTR(kf19) = ^[[18;2~
| TGETSTR(kf18) = ^[[17;2~
| TGETSTR(kf17) = ^[[15;2~
| TGETSTR(kf16) = ^[[1;2S
| TGETSTR(kf15) = ^[[1;2R
| TGETSTR(kf14) = ^[[1;2Q
| TGETSTR(kf13) = ^[[1;2P
| TGETSTR(kf12) = ^[[24~
| TGETSTR(kf11) = ^[[23~
| TGETSTR(kf10) = ^[[21~
| TGETSTR(kf9) = ^[[20~
| TGETSTR(kf8) = ^[[19~
| TGETSTR(kf7) = ^[[18~
| TGETSTR(kf6) = ^[[17~
| TGETSTR(kf5) = ^[[15~
| TGETSTR(kf4) = ^[OS
| TGETSTR(kf3) = ^[OR
| TGETSTR(kf2) = ^[OQ
| TGETSTR(kf1) = ^[OP
| TGETSTR(kdch1) = ^[[3~
| TGETSTR(kich1) = ^[[2~
| TGETSTR(kpp) = ^[[5~
| TGETSTR(knp) = ^[[6~
| TGETSTR(kcbt) = ^[[Z
| TGETSTR(kend) = ^[[4~
| TGETSTR(khome) = ^[[1~
| TGETSTR(kcub1) = ^[OD
| TGETSTR(kcuf1) = ^[OC
| TGETSTR(kcud1) = ^[OB
| TGETSTR(kcuu1) = ^[OA
| TGETSTR(kf35) = ^[[23;5~
| TGETSTR(kf34) = ^[[21;5~
| TGETSTR(kf33) = ^[[20;5~
| TGETSTR(kf32) = ^[[19;5~
| TGETSTR(kf31) = ^[[18;5~
| TGETSTR(kf30) = ^[[17;5~
| TGETSTR(kf29) = ^[[15;5~
| TGETSTR(kf28) = ^[[1;5S
| TGETSTR(kf27) = ^[[1;5R
| TGETSTR(kf26) = ^[[1;5Q
| TGETSTR(kf25) = ^[[1;5P
| TGETSTR(kf24) = ^[[24;2~
| TGETSTR(kf23) = ^[[23;2~
| TGETSTR(kf22) = ^[[21;2~
| TGETSTR(kf21) = ^[[20;2~
| TGETSTR(kf20) = ^[[19;2~
| TGETSTR(kf19) = ^[[18;2~
| TGETSTR(kf18) = ^[[17;2~
| TGETSTR(kf17) = ^[[15;2~
| TGETSTR(kf16) = ^[[1;2S
| TGETSTR(kf15) = ^[[1;2R
| TGETSTR(kf14) = ^[[1;2Q
| TGETSTR(kf13) = ^[[1;2P
| TGETSTR(kf12) = ^[[24~
| TGETSTR(kf11) = ^[[23~
| TGETSTR(kf10) = ^[[21~
| TGETSTR(kf9) = ^[[20~
| TGETSTR(kf8) = ^[[19~
| TGETSTR(kf7) = ^[[18~
| TGETSTR(kf6) = ^[[17~
| TGETSTR(kf5) = ^[[15~
| TGETSTR(kf4) = ^[OS
| TGETSTR(kf3) = ^[OR
| TGETSTR(kf2) = ^[OQ
| TGETSTR(kf1) = ^[OP
| TGETSTR(kdch1) = ^[[3~
| TGETSTR(kich1) = ^[[2~
| TGETSTR(kpp) = ^[[5~
| TGETSTR(knp) = ^[[6~
| TGETSTR(kcbt) = ^[[Z
| TGETSTR(kend) = ^[[4~
| TGETSTR(khome) = ^[[1~
| TGETSTR(kcub1) = ^[OD
| TGETSTR(kcuf1) = ^[OC
| TGETSTR(kcud1) = ^[OB
| TGETSTR(kcuu1) = ^[OA
| return }} 
| called {{ bfind([vileinit], 33)
| after regmassage: '((\\[([!]?[[:print:]]+)\\])|([[:ident:].-]+)|[[:file:]]+)'
| return }} 0x55846d7142c0
| called {{ bfind([vileopts], 33)
| after regmassage: '((\\[([!]?[[:print:]]+)\\])|([[:ident:].-]+)|[[:file:]]+)'
| return }} 0x55846d714dd0
| called {{ canonpath '/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out'
| return }} /usr/build/vile/vile/make.out
| makename(/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out)
|  -> 'make.out'
| called {{ bfind(make.out, 0)
| after regmassage: '((\\[([!]?[[:print:]]+)\\])|([[:ident:].-]+)|[[:file:]]+)'
| bsizes make.out unix 0 lines, 0 bytes
| return }} 0x55846d715cc0
| called {{ canonpath '/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out'
| return }} /usr/build/vile/vile/make.out
| file_stat(/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out) = 0
| file_stat(/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out) = 0
| same_fname(
| =>1
| fileuid_get(/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out) discarding cache
| file_stat(/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out) = 0 purged
| file_stat(/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out) = 0
| called {{ special_formatter %{$progname} - %{$cbufname}
| return }} 
| called {{ tcap_kopen()
| called {{ xterm_mopen()
| | return }} 
| return }} 
| called {{ set_fsm_choices(color-scheme)
|    [0] default = 0 (0)
| return }} 
| called {{ winit(1)
| bsizes  unix 1 lines, 1 bytes
| winit delinking bminip, 1 lines, 1 bytes
| return }} 
| called {{ bfind([unnamed], 0)
| after regmassage: '((\\[([!]?[[:print:]]+)\\])|([[:ident:].-]+)|[[:file:]]+)'
| bsizes [unnamed] unix 0 lines, 0 bytes
| return }} 0x55846d71ef20
| called {{ swbuffer(bp=0x55846d71ef20)
| called {{ swbuffer_lfl(bp=0x55846d71ef20, lockfl=1, this_window=0) 
| | swbuffer([unnamed]) nwnd=0
| | called {{ special_formatter %{$progname} - %{$cbufname}
| | | return }} 
| | called {{ suckitin([unnamed], copy)
| | | return }} 1
| | called {{ special_formatter %{$progname} - %{$cbufname}
| | | return }} 
| | return }} 1
| return }} 1
| called {{ run_startup_commands [vileinit]
| called {{ dobuf([vileinit], 1)
| | called {{ save_arguments([vileinit]) max_args=0
| | | return }} 1
| | called {{ perform_dobuf(bp=0x55846d7142c0, whlist=(nil)) buffer '[vileinit]'
| | | bsizes [vileinit] unix 1 lines, 16 bytes
| | | [vileinit]:1 (0/0):source 'foo.rc'
| | | <<<[vileinit]:0/0 source 'foo.rc'>>>
| | | called {{ docmd(cline=source 'foo.rc', execflag=1, f=0, n=1)
| | | | called {{ execute(execfunc=0x55846c257b60(func:execfile), f=0, n=1)
| | | | | called {{ kbd_reply(prompt=File to execute: , extbuf=^@, options=0x23)
| | | | | | clexec=1, pushed_back=0
| | | | | | ...getting token from: 'foo.rc'
| | | | | | ...got token, result:  'foo.rc
| | | | | | reply1:(status=1, length=7):foo.rc^@
| | | | | | return }} 1
| | | | | called {{ do_source(foo.rc, 1, 0)
| | | | | | called {{ cfg_locate('foo.rc', READABLE CDIR HOME STARTPATH)
| | | | | | | ffaccess(fn=foo.rc, mode=12) = 1
| | | | | | | called {{ check_file_access(foo.rc, 0xc) = 1
| | | | | | | | called {{ canonpath '/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc'
| | | | | | | | | return }} /usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc
| | | | | | | | return }} 1
| | | | | | | return }} foo.rc
| | | | | | called {{ dofile(foo.rc)
| | | | | | | called {{ canonpath '/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc'
| | | | | | | | return }} /usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc
| | | | | | | same_fname(
| | | | | | | =>0
| | | | | | | makename(foo.rc)
| | | | | | |  -> 'foo.rc'
| | | | | | | unqname ->foo.rc
| | | | | | | called {{ bfind(foo.rc, 0)
| | | | | | | | 
| | | | | | | | 
| | | | | | | | after regmassage: 
| | | | | | | | bsizes foo.rc unix 0 lines, 0 bytes
| | | | | | | | return }} 0x55846d71fff0
| | | | | | | called {{ canonpath '/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc'
| | | | | | | | return }} /usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc
| | | | | | | file_stat(/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc) = 0
| | | | | | | file_stat(/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc) = 0
| | | | | | | same_fname(
| | | | | | | =>0
| | | | | | | called {{ readin(fname=foo.rc, lockfl=0, bp=0x55846d71fff0, 
| | | | | | | | called {{ freeundostacks(0x55846d71fff0,1)
| | | | | | | | | return }} 
| | | | | | | | called {{ canonpath '/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc'
| | | | | | | | | return }} /usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc
| | | | | | | | file_stat(/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc) = 0 purged
| | | | | | | | file_stat(/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc) = 0
| | | | | | | | same_fname(
| | | | | | | | =>0
| | | | | | | | ffropen(fn=/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc)
| | | | | | | | file_stat(/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc) = 0 cached
| | | | | | | | file_stat(/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc) = 0 cached
| | | | | | | | ** opened /usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc for read
| | | | | | | | mlmsg popup_msgs #1 for '[Reading %s]'
| | | | | | | | called {{ bfind([Messages], 1)
| | | | | | | | | 
| | | | | | | | | 
| | | | | | | | | after regmassage: 
| | | | | | | | | bsizes [Messages] unix 0 lines, 0 bytes
| | | | | | | | | return }} 0x55846d720aa0
| | | | | | | | msg:?
| | | | | | | | called {{ quickreadf(buffer=foo.rc, 
| | | | | | | | | ffsize succeeded 0
| | | | | | | | | return }} 2
| | | | | | | | called {{ slowreadf(buffer=foo.rc, 
| | | | | | | | | return }} 1
| | | | | | | | ffaccess(fn=/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc, mode=2) = 1
| | | | | | | | ffronly(fn=/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc) = 0
| | | | | | | | shorten '/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc'
| | | | | | | |      -> './foo.rc' shorten
| | | | | | | | ffaccess(fn=/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc, mode=2) = 1
| | | | | | | | ffronly(fn=/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc) = 0
| | | | | | | | called {{ infer_majormode(foo.rc)
| | | | | | | | | return }} 
| | | | | | | | called {{ imply_alt(fname=/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc, copy=0, 
| | | | | | | | | called {{ canonpath '/usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc'
| | | | | | | | | | return }} /usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc
| | | | | | | | | return }} 
| | | | | | | | return }} 1
| | | | | | | called {{ dobuf(foo.rc, 1)
| | | | | | | | called {{ save_arguments(foo.rc) max_args=0
| | | | | | | | | return }} 1
| | | | | | | | called {{ perform_dobuf(bp=0x55846d71fff0, whlist=(nil)) buffer 
| | | | | | | | | return }} 1
| | | | | | | | restore_arguments(foo.rc)
| | | | | | | | return }} 1
| | | | | | | called {{ zotbuf(bp=0x55846d71fff0)
| | | | | | | | zotbuf(foo.rc)
| | | | | | | | called {{ freeundostacks(0x55846d71fff0,1)
| | | | | | | | | return }} 
| | | | | | | | return }} 1
| | | | | | | return }} 1
| | | | | | return }} 1
| | | | | return }} 1
| | | | return }} 1
| | | return }} 1
| | restore_arguments([vileinit])
| | return }} 1
| called {{ swbuffer(bp=0x55846d71ef20)
| | called {{ swbuffer_lfl(bp=0x55846d71ef20, lockfl=1, this_window=0) 
| | | swbuffer([unnamed]) nwnd=1
| | | called {{ special_formatter %{$progname} - %{$cbufname}
| | | | return }} 
| | | return }} 1
| | return }} 1
| called {{ zotwp([vileinit])
| | called {{ swbuffer(bp=0x55846d71ef20)
| | | called {{ swbuffer_lfl(bp=0x55846d71ef20, lockfl=1, this_window=0) 
| | | | swbuffer([unnamed]) nwnd=1
| | | | called {{ special_formatter %{$progname} - %{$cbufname}
| | | | | return }} 
| | | | return }} 1
| | | return }} 1
| | return }} 1
| called {{ zotbuf(bp=0x55846d7142c0)
| | zotbuf([vileinit])
| | called {{ freeundostacks(0x55846d7142c0,1)
| | | return }} 
| | return }} 1
| return }} 1
| called {{ zotwp(null)
| return }} 0
| called {{ swbuffer(bp=0x55846d715cc0)
| called {{ swbuffer_lfl(bp=0x55846d715cc0, lockfl=1, this_window=0) 
| | swbuffer(make.out) nwnd=0
| | called {{ zotbuf(bp=0x55846d71ef20)
| | | zotbuf([unnamed])
| | | called {{ freeundostacks(0x55846d71ef20,1)
| | | | return }} 
| | | return }} 1
| | called {{ special_formatter %{$progname} - %{$cbufname}
| | | return }} 
| | called {{ suckitin(make.out, copy)
| | | called {{ readin(fname=/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out, lockfl=1, 
bp=0x55846d715cc0, mflg=1)
| | | | called {{ freeundostacks(0x55846d715cc0,1)
| | | | | return }} 
| | | | called {{ canonpath '/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out'
| | | | | return }} /usr/build/vile/vile/make.out
| | | | file_stat(/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out) = 0
| | | | file_stat(/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out) = 0
| | | | same_fname(
| | | | =>1
| | | | fileuid_get(/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out) discarding cache
| | | | file_stat(/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out) = 0 purged
| | | | file_stat(/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out) = 0
| | | | ffropen(fn=/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out)
| | | | file_stat(/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out) = 0 cached
| | | | file_stat(/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out) = 0 cached
| | | | ** opened /usr/build/vile/vile/make.out for read
| | | | mlmsg popup_msgs #1 for '[Reading %s]'
| | | | msg:[Reading /usr/build/vile/vile/foo.rc]
| | | | called {{ quickreadf(buffer=make.out, 
| | | | | ffsize succeeded 10243
| | | | | ffread succeeded 10243
| | | | | called {{ decode_bom(make.out) length 10243
| | | | | | set_byteorder_mark for 'make.out' to none
| | | | | | return }} 0
| | | | | called {{ deduce_charset(make.out) bom:none, encoding:locale
| | | | | | return }} 1
| | | | | guess_recordseparator assume unix, rs=lf CR:0, LF:276, CRLF:0
| | | | | ...line count = 276, format=lf
| | | | | bsizes make.out unix 276 lines, 10243 bytes
| | | | | return }} 0
| | | | ffaccess(fn=/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out, mode=2) = 1
| | | | ffronly(fn=/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out) = 0
| | | | shorten '/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out'
| | | |      -> './make.out' shorten
| | | | mlmsg popup_msgs #1 for '[%sRead %d line%s from "%s"%s]'
| | | | msg:[Reading /usr/build/vile/vile/make.out]
| | | | ffaccess(fn=/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out, mode=2) = 1
| | | | ffronly(fn=/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out) = 0
| | | | called {{ infer_majormode(make.out)
| | | | | return }} 
| | | | called {{ imply_alt(fname=/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out, copy=0, 
| | | | | called {{ canonpath '/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out'
| | | | | | return }} /usr/build/vile/vile/make.out
| | | | | return }} 
| | | | return }} 1
| | | return }} 1
| | called {{ special_formatter %{$progname} - %{$cbufname}
| | | return }} 
| | return }} 1
| return }} 1
| called {{ infer_majormode(make.out)
| return }} 
| called {{ find_mode(vilemode) local
| ...found class 3 vilemode
| return }} 1
| called {{ run_startup_commands [vileopts]
| called {{ dobuf([vileopts], 1)
| | called {{ save_arguments([vileopts]) max_args=0
| | | return }} 1
| | called {{ perform_dobuf(bp=0x55846d714dd0, whlist=(nil)) buffer '[vileopts]'
| | | return }} 1
| | restore_arguments([vileopts])
| | return }} 1
| called {{ swbuffer(bp=0x55846d715cc0)
| | called {{ swbuffer_lfl(bp=0x55846d715cc0, lockfl=1, this_window=0) 
| | | swbuffer(make.out) nwnd=1
| | | called {{ special_formatter %{$progname} - %{$cbufname}
| | | | return }} 
| | | return }} 1
| | return }} 1
| called {{ zotwp([vileopts])
| | called {{ swbuffer(bp=0x55846d715cc0)
| | | called {{ swbuffer_lfl(bp=0x55846d715cc0, lockfl=1, this_window=0) 
| | | | swbuffer(make.out) nwnd=1
| | | | called {{ special_formatter %{$progname} - %{$cbufname}
| | | | | return }} 
| | | | return }} 1
| | | return }} 1
| | return }} 1
| called {{ zotbuf(bp=0x55846d714dd0)
| | zotbuf([vileopts])
| | called {{ freeundostacks(0x55846d714dd0,1)
| | | return }} 
| | return }} 1
| return }} 1
| called {{ zotwp(null)
| return }} 0
| purge_msgs mode:-1, warnings:0
| called {{ zotbuf(bp=0x55846d720aa0)
| zotbuf([Messages])
| called {{ freeundostacks(0x55846d720aa0,1)
| | return }} 
| return }} 1
| called {{ update(0)
| called {{ update_modeline
| | called {{ special_formatter %-%i%- %b %m:: :%f:is : :%=%F: : :%l:(:,:%c::) 
:%p::% :%C:char ::%S%-%-%|
| | | shorten '/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out'
| | |      -> 'make.out' shorten
| | | shorten '/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out'
| | |      -> 'make.out' shorten
| | | return }} 
| | return }} 
| called {{ update_garbaged_screen
| | return }} 
| called {{ update_physical_screen(0)
| | return }} 
| return }} 1
| called {{ zotwp(null)
| return }} 0
| called {{ zotwp(null)
| return }} 0
| NULL:39:[Use ^A-h, ^X-h, or :help to get help] 
| SHOW:39:[Use ^A-h, ^X-h, or :help to get help] 
| called {{ update(0)
| called {{ update_physical_screen(0)
| | return }} 
| return }} 1
| called {{ mapped_c(remap:1, raw:0)
| vl_mb_getch:0x6f
| mapped/getc:o (0x6F)
| tgetc(unquoted) = o(0x6f)
| ...using command-mapping
| return }} 111
| NULL: 0:
| SHOW: 0:
| called {{ update(0)
| called {{ update_physical_screen(0)
| | return }} 
| return }} 1
| called {{ execute(execfunc=0x55846c255ee0(func:opendown), f=0, n=1)
| called {{ freeundostacks(0x55846d715cc0,0)
| | return }} 
| called {{ update(0)
| | called {{ update_modeline
| | | called {{ special_formatter %-%i%- %b %m:: :%f:is : :%=%F: : 
:%l:(:,:%c::) :%p::% :%C:char ::%S%-%-%|
| | | | shorten '/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out'
| | | |      -> 'make.out' shorten
| | | | shorten '/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out'
| | | |      -> 'make.out' shorten
| | | | return }} 
| | | return }} 
| | called {{ update_physical_screen(0)
| | | return }} 
| | return }} 1
| called {{ mapped_c(remap:1, raw:0)
| | vl_mb_getch:0xec
| | mapped/getc:� (0xEC)
| | tgetc(unquoted) = M-l(0xec)
| | ...using insert-mapping
| | vl_mb_getch:0xec
| | mapped/getc:� (0xEC)
| | tgetc(unquoted) = M-l(0xec)
| | return }} 236
| called {{ inschar U+00EC
| | called {{ lins_chars global 1, buffer 1 U+00EC
| | | return }} 1
| | return }} 1
| called {{ update(0)
| | called {{ update_physical_screen(0)
| | | return }} 
| | return }} 1
| called {{ mapped_c(remap:1, raw:0)
| | vl_mb_getch:0xec
| | mapped/getc:� (0xEC)
| | tgetc(unquoted) = M-l(0xec)
| | ...using insert-mapping
| | vl_mb_getch:0xec
| | mapped/getc:� (0xEC)
| | tgetc(unquoted) = M-l(0xec)
| | return }} 236
| called {{ inschar U+00EC
| | called {{ lins_chars global 1, buffer 1 U+00EC
| | | return }} 1
| | return }} 1
| called {{ update(0)
| | called {{ update_physical_screen(0)
| | | return }} 
| | return }} 1
| called {{ mapped_c(remap:1, raw:0)
| | vl_mb_getch:0xec
| | mapped/getc:� (0xEC)
| | tgetc(unquoted) = M-l(0xec)
| | ...using insert-mapping
| | vl_mb_getch:0xec
| | mapped/getc:� (0xEC)
| | tgetc(unquoted) = M-l(0xec)
| | return }} 236
| called {{ inschar U+00EC
| | called {{ lins_chars global 1, buffer 1 U+00EC
| | | return }} 1
| | return }} 1
| called {{ update(0)
| | called {{ update_physical_screen(0)
| | | return }} 
| | return }} 1
| called {{ mapped_c(remap:1, raw:0)
| | vl_mb_getch:0x1b
| | mapped/getc: (0x1B)
| | vl_mb_getch:0x75
| | normal/getc:u (0x75)
| | tgetc(unquoted) = ^[(0x1b)
| | ...using insert-mapping
| | tgetc(unquoted) = ^[(0x1b)
| | return }} 27
| called {{ update(1)
| | called {{ update_modeline
| | | called {{ special_formatter %-%i%- %b %m:: :%f:is : :%=%F: : 
:%l:(:,:%c::) :%p::% :%C:char ::%S%-%-%|
| | | | shorten '/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out'
| | | |      -> 'make.out' shorten
| | | | shorten '/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out'
| | | |      -> 'make.out' shorten
| | | | return }} 
| | | return }} 
| | called {{ update_physical_screen(1)
| | | return }} 
| | return }} 1
| return }} 1
| called {{ update(0)
| return }} 3
| called {{ mapped_c(remap:1, raw:0)
| tgetc(unquoted) = u(0x75)
| ...using command-mapping
| return }} 117
| called {{ execute(execfunc=0x55846c253c60(func:undo), f=0, n=1)
| called {{ undo(0,1)
| | bsizes make.out unix 277 lines, 10250 bytes
| | bsizes make.out unix 276 lines, 10243 bytes
| | NULL:15:[change undone]
| | SHOW:15:[change undone]
| | return }} 1
| return }} 1
| called {{ update(0)
| called {{ update_modeline
| | called {{ special_formatter %-%i%- %b %m:: :%f:is : :%=%F: : :%l:(:,:%c::) 
:%p::% :%C:char ::%S%-%-%|
| | | shorten '/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out'
| | |      -> 'make.out' shorten
| | | shorten '/usr/build/vile/vile/make.out'
| | |      -> 'make.out' shorten
| | | return }} 
| | return }} 
| called {{ update_physical_screen(0)
| | return }} 
| return }} 1
| called {{ mapped_c(remap:1, raw:0)
| vl_mb_getch:0x51
| mapped/getc:Q (0x51)
| tgetc(unquoted) = Q(0x51)
| ...using command-mapping
| return }} 81
| NULL: 0:
| SHOW: 0:
| called {{ update(0)
| called {{ update_physical_screen(0)
| | return }} 
| return }} 1
| called {{ execute(execfunc=0x55846c254f60(func:quit), f=0, n=1)
| called {{ tcap_close()
| | vl_close_mbterm
| | return }} 
| called {{ tcap_kclose()
| | called {{ xterm_mclose()
| | | return }} 
| | return }} 

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Description: PGP signature

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