On 4/29/06, Milan Berta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there any way how to count bad words in a file which is spelled? Or
any function which can show an 'error rate' of a file?

The script that does what you want is below, and also attached.
Press F5 to activate.

This is sample output:

Total words:     93
Bad words:       21
Semi-bad words:  0
Bad words ratio: 18.42%

---------------- countspell.vim ----------------------
" count number of misspelled words, and ratio of bad/good words.

map <F5> :call CountMisspell()<cr>

func! CountMisspell()
   let save_cursor = getpos('.')

   norm gg

   set spell

   let total = 0
   let bad = 0
   let good = 0
   let warn = 0

   let flags='Wc'
   while search('\i\+', flags)
      let flags = 'W'
      let total  += 1

      let word = expand('<cword>')
      let list =  spellbadword(word)

      if list[1] == ''
         let good += 1
      elseif list[1] == 'bad'
         let bad += 1
      else " rare, local, caps
         let warn += 1
   echo "Total words:     " . good
   echo "Bad words:       " . bad
   echo "Semi-bad words:  " . warn
   if bad != 0
       let ratio = (10000 * bad) / total
       let ratio = printf("%03d", ratio)
       let ratio = substitute(ratio, '\d\d$', '.&', '')
       let ratio='0.00'
   echo "Bad words ratio: " . ratio . '%'
   call setpos('.', save_cursor )

Attachment: countspell.vim
Description: Binary data

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