Bill McCarthy wrote:

> Compiling with MVC or Ming, the exe files are copied from
> c:\vim\vim70f\src to c:\vim\vim70f (the usual place).  But
> running install produces the following:
>     [c:\vim\vim70f]install
>     This program sets up the installation of Vim 7.0f04 BETA
>     ERROR: Cannot find filetype.vim in "C:\vim\vim70f"
>     It looks like you did not unpack the runtime archive.
>     You must unpack the runtime archive ""
>     before installing.
> The problem is that unzipping the archive places
> filetype.vim in c:\vim\vim70f\runtime (it would have been
> placed in the same directory as the exe files in all release
> versions of Vim - in this case in c:\vim\vim70f\).
> Doesn't dosinst.c need to reflect this new placement?

There are two setups, the Unix one and the MS-Windows one.

If you use the Unix setup you need to do "make install".  Thus uses the
files in the ../runtime directory that were unpacked from the Unix tar

If you use the MS-Windows setup you should unpack the
file, which puts the runtime files below the src directory, without a
runtime directory.  Then you can use the install.exe.

SIGIRO -- irony detected (iron core dumped)

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