
that was the clue i needed -- after turning 'cindent' off i was able
to type

an optimistic man might be tempted to celebrate -- we have proven,
after all, that life goes on after microsoft -- macros can be created
in OOo basic, however bloody

without the indenting weirdness

as much java and C# as i work on, i hope i can live without cindent,
but between you and me, i'm betting off is better



On Thu, 2006-09-07 at 14:08 +1000, Peter Hodge wrote:
> Hello scott,
> The 'filetype=' message is what happens when you use ':set filetype=' and 
> don't
> specify any filetype.
> If you have 'cindent' turned on, Vim will add an indent after a line ending in
> a comma (,) and your sample sentence does.  Use ':set cindent?' to check if it
> is turned on.
> regards,
> Peter
> --- scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > help!
> > 
> > i'm at 7.0.90, but i've noticed the indenting weirdness before,
> > so i don't know when it really started
> > 
> > i think the other time(s) too it was in my 'ai' module, which,
> > although it has a .txt extenstion, comes up with 'filetype='
> > 
> > so weird
> > 
> > ok -- no filetype is defined -- fine -- this still should not
> > happen, in my opinion
> > 
> > with tw=70, which i set with an f-key defined in my .vimrc,
> > typing the following gives:
> > 
> > an optimistic man might be tempted to celebrate -- we have proven,
> >    after
> > 
> > see?
> > 
> > what the @[EMAIL PROTECTED]@? kind of indenting rule says to create a 
> > hanging
> > indent after the first word...
> > 
> > dunno why filetype is undefined, but i have filetype indent off,
> > i've gotten so frustrated with unexpected indenting behavior
> > 
> > if it's relevant, i open my 'ai' modules with a script
> > that sources a vim script that does (after the comments):
> > 
> > let s:name = '~/documents/txt/ai_' . strftime("%Y%m") . '.txt'
> > execute "e +" s:name
> > 
> > which *may* help explain why filetype is undefined, but
> > not in any way explains why 'an' is something that requires
> > a hanging indent to be created on the next line
> > 
> > i've got:
> > 
> > filetype on
> > filetype indent off
> > filetype plugin on
> > filetype plugin indent off
> > 
> > in my .vimrc, which is an attempt on my part to get control
> > over how indenting happens, yet i STILL get surprised with
> > unexpected behavior
> > 
> > any clues will be appreciated
> > 
> > sc
> > 
> > 
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