On 1/30/07, Martin Krischik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Am Dienstag 30 Januar 2007 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> - being able to open very large files quickly and
> without using too much memory. This could possibly
> be achieved by not loading the entire file immediately.
> File could be loaded lazily when required.

The last (and only) editor to have that feature was The Atari Editor which run
on 8 bit Atari computers. Was a full screen, modeing editor like vim as
well :-).

How do you mean?  A lot of editors work like this.  The Atari Editor
is hardly the first, or last, editor to work this way.  Sam works this
way, Wily works this way, my editor ned works this way, James Brown's
example editor "Neatpad" [1] works this way.

It's usually down to the data structure used to manage buffer contents
that defines whether it's possible to implement this feature or not.
It's can also be down to support for various encodings that can
require preprocessing of the files.

I'm not sure to what degree Vim requires the whole file to be read
before editing can commence.  I'm, however, sure that it can be made
to load files without too much preprocessing, but I'm also pretty sure
that it would require a lot of work and I don't think it's worth the
kind of time that Bram would have to invest in such a feature.  Vim
is, when it all comes down to it, designed to be a programmers editor,
and that means that it'll mostly work with files smaller, mostly much
smaller, than a megabyte, for which preprocessing works fine.



[1] http://www.catch22.net/

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