I would like it if vim could integrate more into a graphical application
for instances an ide.

The integration would allow  application builders to use vim as a component.
relief them of the burden of maintaining an editor
Give them access to 20+ years matured editor code base

If you take eclipse as an example then it integrate an editor with other
services. like

defining a project
keeping an eye on the files in the project
doing an update on the tags when the file has changed
handling the integration with source code control systems
handling the build.

Vim is good at editing files that is it intended purpose and it works very
well. I'm working with eclipse and a often hindered by its editor.

Vim does already integrate. In vim7 you can call on an existing vim and
open the file in a newtab.
If vim could signal to the calling process when the file is written.

I'm not suggesting that vim integrate into the graphical application. more
an api for editing files. something like
Hey Mr VIM here is my first file.
 BTW this is the tagfile and use this completion file
Hey Mr Vim here is an other file
 BTW this is the completion file for this
Thanks Mr Vim for telling me that the file has changed
Thanks Mr Vim for telling me that the file has changed and closed
Thanks Mr Vim for telling me that you closed down

Externalizing the client-server communication part as an library
and enhancing the interface?


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