Bram Moolenaar wrote:
That's pretty nasty.  I'll make a patch right away.

Thanks. However, perhaps the modeline concept needs
more safety - defence in depth.

Perhaps modelines should only allow a VERY limited set
of operations by default (even more restricted than now).

Googling for 'vim feedkeys joke' shows "April 1 joke" with
the following (I've replaced "vim" with "vvv"):

vvv: foldmethod=expr:foldexpr=feedkeys(

I'm too lazy to unobfuscate this, but one glance tells you
that modelines should not be "fixed" - going down that path
is likely to give a new vulnerability every year.

Instead, modelines should be SEVERELY limited by default.
Total length < 100 bytes.
No expressions; no function calls; no execution.
Treat a double-quoted string as if in single quotes.
Is folding really needed in a default modeline?


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