Edward L. Fox wrote:
On 5/8/07, scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i was surpised by the fact that simply running 'svn update' bumped me up to 7.1a -- from previous posts i had thought there was something extra that had
to be done to get the beta, like create a new 71a directory or something

now i've got the beta i feel committed, and will commence chasing after the
errors it spews from


when i run it -- apparently the install created the 71a directory for me

i am not asking any questions here, it's more like i'm warning those who may
prefer to stay with a stable version

No, there won't be any tags, branches here, every thing is just going
linearly, giggling.

I just stumbled upon the "svn update to disaster" myself. Maybe its time to start getting a bit serious about project management?

To the svn maintainer: The best practice is for the repository root to look something like this:
/trunk (mirror of CVS, as usual)
/tags (contains 7.0/ and 7.1a/ folders -- obviously these folders are static) /branches (possibly used for contribs such as patches that didn't make it into trunk (Bram's version) yet)

To anyone else afflicted: To downgrade back to 7.0-stable, just do an "svn update -r NNN" where NNN is the revision you want to downgrade to. Check the logs for the exact revision, I don't know off hand.


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