Michael Wookey wrote:
Hello vimmers,

I am running 7.1a.001 on OSX and have just noticed the following from
console vim (running in Terminal.app and also occurs in iTerm.app).

If I change the colour scheme I receive a lot of error output.  For

    :colorscheme desert

Results in:

    Error detected while processing
    line   27:
    E254: Cannot allocate color khaki
    E254: Cannot allocate color slategrey
    line   36:
    E254: Cannot allocate color gold
    line   37:
    E254: Cannot allocate color tan

Other colour schemes produce similar output.  The error messages have
only appeared for me in console vim on OSX (10.4.9 PPC).  They have not
appeared in the linux or win32 console vims of 7.1a.001. GVim's on each
of the platforms (OSX, linux, Win32) have worked fine.

My console vim is symlinked as follows:

    $ ls -l `which vim`
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  40 Feb 28 14:33 /usr/bin/vim ->

These errors did not occur before 7.1a.001 and occurs on builds from CVS
and SVN.  The errors still occur even with starting vim with:

    vim -u NONE

Has anyone else noticed this?

These color names should be used only in the GUI. In the "desert" colorscheme I have (v1.1, 2004/06/13 19:30:30) they are only present in "guibg=" and "guifg=" arguments to the ":hi" command, which is normal.

If you want to debug that problem, you may want to vimgrep your sources for the "highlight" command, then inspect the source to see if (as it should) it does ignore guibg= guifg= and gui= when setting highlights in Console Vim.

You may restrict yourself to the modules which were actually compiled for your configure options, as shown e.g. by the contents of the objects folder (src/objects or whatever).

Best regards,
If all be true that I do think,
There be Five Reasons why one should Drink;
Good friends, good wine, or being dry,
Or lest we should be by-and-by,
Or any other reason why.

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