
"Erik Falor" wrote: 
> I can understand the dilemma relying on external sites presents. 
> On one hand, as an author, I don't want to be responsible for maintaining 
> tips on multiple sites. If I update a script or refine a tip, I don't want to 
> have to update it twice, or thrice. Directing to an external site means that 
> I only have to fix the tip once. 
> On the other hand, broken links are no fun, and they never seem to be cleaned 
> up in a timely fashion. I wouldn't endorse pointing tips to personal web 
> pages which may not exist next month. But vim.sourceforge.net is probably not 
> going anywhere. 
> In regard to the "less is more" tip I posted last month, instead of linking 
> to vim.sf.net I could just put the text of the batch file in the tip. It is 
> short. And it probably won't change. 
> In the end, my feeling is that it is appropriate to link to vim.sf.net , and 
> for other sites it is not so appropriate. I think that because vim.sf.net is 
> the official site for Vim, it is appropriate to assign it this special 
> status. And it reinforces idea that is the central repository for Vim 
> scripts. Well, it is, isn't it? 

Somehow you are perfectly right. 

However, not every thing deserve to/must be on vim.sf. 
For instance, I see two "scripts" I'm maintaining that have almost nothing to 
do there: 
- one is a bash script (that helps running vim (and all other win32 
applications) from an exotic configuration (cygwin)) 
- another is an unstable (less today than what it used to be) fork of a plugin 
from vim.sf. 

The first has its own tip, which links to my personal site, an d I'll 
eventually move it close to a subservion repository (google-code or sf) 
The second was "advertized" in the comments of several redundant tips, and now 
lives on google-code. 

As far as I'm concerned, I'll never move the first script on vim.sf, and I'll 
not upload the second on vim.sf before a long time as it not ready yet. 

In the same idea, latex-suite and cream won't move to anywhere. 

So. What must we do about external links ? Must we rule about it and forbid 
them? I'm not very inclined to it. 

Ain't we forgetting the main question? Is there a need to rule, now, on this 
topic? I'm not sure there are that many tips that link to places that may 
disapear in a few months. 

Luc Hermitte 
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