Thanks a lot.
I have no idea with makefile. I just delete it from the folder and it 
works now. Yet I have warning:
Font shape `U/lasy/m/n' in size <5.47603> not available
Font shape `U/lasy/m/n' in size <4.44003> not available
Any idea?

On 12/07/2009 03:57 AM, Cédric Boutillier wrote:
> Hi!
> I tried the files you indicated.
> I also got no result by typing \ll from vim. But then I noticed in the
> terminal the following message:
> make: *** No rule to make target `dvi'.  Stop.
> It seems that vim-latex detects the presence of the Makefile, and looks
> for a rule "dvi" whenever it is asked to produce a dvi file. And there
> is no such rule in your Makefile.
> However, changing the TTarget from dvi to pdf, and then typing \ll
> produces a compiled pdf version of your document.
> So you could either modify the Makefile to add a "dvi" rule, or change
> the variable TTarget from dvi to pdf.
> Best regards,
>       Cedric
> On Sun, Dec 06, 2009 at 08:07:06PM -0600, yuejun yin wrote:
>> Well,
>> MyDissertation.tex.latexmain is in the folder. No problem.
>> :!which latex returns /usr/bin/latex indicating it works well. I tested a
>> simple multi-file latex projects. Everything runs perfectly.
>> \include is used in the main tex file (MyDissertation.tex).
>> Could you please try out the package and figure out the reason? Here is the
>> link:
>> This is very confusing problem. Thank you all.
>> On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 6:15 PM, Ted Pavlic<>  wrote:
>>> Yue-Jun --
>>> [ on a slightly unrelated note, make sure your latexmain file is named
>>> MyDissertation.latexmain ]
>>>         I suspect that LaTeX is not being run at all because it is not
>>> located in a place where vim-latex expects it. Inside vim, try typing:
>>> :!which latex
>>> If latex is found in your PATH, then you should see the full path to your
>>> latex executable. Otherwise, you'll see something like a blank line and then
>>> "shell returned 1". If that occurs, verify that you have LaTeX installed on
>>> your system. It is not packaged with vim-latex. It appears like you are
>>> running on a Linux system; you should be able to install LaTeX with the
>>> package manager that corresponds to your system.
>>>         Regarding those other files, your MyDissertation.tex should have
>>> \input or \include lines that pull in your other tex files. When latex runs
>>> on MyDissertation.tex, LaTeX will automatically pull those files in as
>>> needed. LaTeX doesn't need to run on each file; it only runs on the main
>>> file.
>>>         vim-latex will try to detect the circumstances when LaTeX needs to
>>> run more than once. For example, if you have a table of contents in your
>>> dissertation LaTeX won't be able to populate it on a single run. Instead, it
>>> will record which sections are on which pages during the first run. During a
>>> second run, those pages will be placed on the table of contents. If the
>>> table of contents is very long, it will change those numbers, and so LaTeX
>>> will run again to update the table of contents with the final page numbers.
>>> Again, vim-latex will try to detect when to re-run LaTeX for this case.
>>> Notice that it is not re-running LaTeX to handle the additional files. It's
>>> re-running LaTeX because latex is designed to be a one-pass parsing engine.
>>>         Good luck! --
>>>         Ted
>>> On 12/6/09 6:30 PM, YueJun Yin wrote:
>>>> Hi all
>>>> I download a thesis template that contains more than one tex files. The
>>>> included Make file works well. I added a latexmain file to the folder
>>>> and tried to run \ll on the MyDissertation.tex in vim latex. It just
>>>> says run 1 time. No dvi or log file was created. Could you please walk
>>>> me through this? Thank you very much.
>>> --
>>> Ted Pavlic<>
>>>   Please visit my 2009 d'Feet ALS walk page:
>>>   My family appreciates your support in the fight to defeat ALS.
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Yue-Jun Yin (Eugene)
PhD Candidate
Civil&  Environmental Engineering Dept.
Michigan Tech University
1400 Townsend Dr.
Houghton, MI 49931 USA

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