You most likely need not worry about that error. Those errors occur when 
you (for example) try to generate a font shape with macros like \emph{} 
and \textbf{} in a context where those modifiers don't exist. For 
example, your dissertation class might use a fancy font for the section 
titles. That fancy font may not include shapes for italics (\textit{} or 
\emph{}) or teletype typewritter (\texttt{}), and so if you try to use 
them in the section title, LaTeX will complain and will probably end up 
using the unmodified text.

The log will also tell you which file and which line is generating the 
error. (the line number will be near the error, but you may have to 
scroll up in the log to figure out which TeX file is causing the error) 
If you can find the line, you should be able to determine where the 
problem is. Just look for things like...

\section{This is some \texttt{text} and some other \emph{text} and some 
$math$ in a section title}

Those different font shapes (generated from \textit, \emph, and $..$ 
might be incompatible with the font used for your dissertation's section 


On 12/7/09 5:58 AM, YueJun Yin wrote:
> Thanks a lot.
> I have no idea with makefile. I just delete it from the folder and it
> works now. Yet I have warning:
> Font shape `U/lasy/m/n' in size<5.47603>  not available
> Font shape `U/lasy/m/n' in size<4.44003>  not available
> Any idea?
> On 12/07/2009 03:57 AM, Cédric Boutillier wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I tried the files you indicated.
>> I also got no result by typing \ll from vim. But then I noticed in the
>> terminal the following message:
>> make: *** No rule to make target `dvi'.  Stop.
>> It seems that vim-latex detects the presence of the Makefile, and looks
>> for a rule "dvi" whenever it is asked to produce a dvi file. And there
>> is no such rule in your Makefile.
>> However, changing the TTarget from dvi to pdf, and then typing \ll
>> produces a compiled pdf version of your document.
>> So you could either modify the Makefile to add a "dvi" rule, or change
>> the variable TTarget from dvi to pdf.
>> Best regards,
>>      Cedric
>> On Sun, Dec 06, 2009 at 08:07:06PM -0600, yuejun yin wrote:
>>> Well,
>>> MyDissertation.tex.latexmain is in the folder. No problem.
>>> :!which latex returns /usr/bin/latex indicating it works well. I tested a
>>> simple multi-file latex projects. Everything runs perfectly.
>>> \include is used in the main tex file (MyDissertation.tex).
>>> Could you please try out the package and figure out the reason? Here is the
>>> link:
>>> This is very confusing problem. Thank you all.
>>> On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 6:15 PM, Ted Pavlic<>   wrote:
>>>> Yue-Jun --
>>>> [ on a slightly unrelated note, make sure your latexmain file is named
>>>> MyDissertation.latexmain ]
>>>>          I suspect that LaTeX is not being run at all because it is not
>>>> located in a place where vim-latex expects it. Inside vim, try typing:
>>>> :!which latex
>>>> If latex is found in your PATH, then you should see the full path to your
>>>> latex executable. Otherwise, you'll see something like a blank line and 
>>>> then
>>>> "shell returned 1". If that occurs, verify that you have LaTeX installed on
>>>> your system. It is not packaged with vim-latex. It appears like you are
>>>> running on a Linux system; you should be able to install LaTeX with the
>>>> package manager that corresponds to your system.
>>>>          Regarding those other files, your MyDissertation.tex should have
>>>> \input or \include lines that pull in your other tex files. When latex runs
>>>> on MyDissertation.tex, LaTeX will automatically pull those files in as
>>>> needed. LaTeX doesn't need to run on each file; it only runs on the main
>>>> file.
>>>>          vim-latex will try to detect the circumstances when LaTeX needs to
>>>> run more than once. For example, if you have a table of contents in your
>>>> dissertation LaTeX won't be able to populate it on a single run. Instead, 
>>>> it
>>>> will record which sections are on which pages during the first run. During 
>>>> a
>>>> second run, those pages will be placed on the table of contents. If the
>>>> table of contents is very long, it will change those numbers, and so LaTeX
>>>> will run again to update the table of contents with the final page numbers.
>>>> Again, vim-latex will try to detect when to re-run LaTeX for this case.
>>>> Notice that it is not re-running LaTeX to handle the additional files. It's
>>>> re-running LaTeX because latex is designed to be a one-pass parsing engine.
>>>>          Good luck! --
>>>>          Ted
>>>> On 12/6/09 6:30 PM, YueJun Yin wrote:
>>>>> Hi all
>>>>> I download a thesis template that contains more than one tex files. The
>>>>> included Make file works well. I added a latexmain file to the folder
>>>>> and tried to run \ll on the MyDissertation.tex in vim latex. It just
>>>>> says run 1 time. No dvi or log file was created. Could you please walk
>>>>> me through this? Thank you very much.
>>>> --
>>>> Ted Pavlic<>
>>>>    Please visit my 2009 d'Feet ALS walk page:
>>>>    My family appreciates your support in the fight to defeat ALS.
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>>> Vim-latex-devel mailing list

Ted Pavlic <>

   Please visit my 2009 d'Feet ALS walk page:
   My family appreciates your support in the fight to defeat ALS.

Join us December 9, 2009 for the Red Hat Virtual Experience,
a free event focused on virtualization and cloud computing. 
Attend in-depth sessions from your desk. Your couch. Anywhere.
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