Thanks Ted for your comments... I'm learning tikz and pgf: they seem
to work fine with pdflatex and, to my opinion, produces very nice
graphics. But I have no idea on whether it can solve differential
equations on the fly --- but I know it uses gnuplot in order to do the
math, and then import the data. Any comment on how does it compare
with PStricks?

Thanks again


On 5 July 2010 17:48, Ted Pavlic <> wrote:
>> That's good because as far as I know compiling in dvi does not allow
>> to use \includefigures using pdf files, right? So it was not an
>> option!
> Using latex (as opposed to pdflatex) means all of your graphics have
> to be EPS files. You can use pdflatex to include PDF, PNG, JPG, or
> GIF, but pdflatex will not include EPS files. A major downside of not
> being able to use EPS natively is that you lose out on all of the
> great features of EPS. For example, PSTricks (a LaTeX drawing package)
> can do very advanced things because it leverages the power of EPS. In
> particular, PSTricks can do math within graphics that lets you (for
> example) solve differential equations during the compilation of your
> document.
> [ Personally, I hate including MATLAB figures within a nicely
> formatted LaTeX document. Even though MATLAB has some crude
> LaTeX/Computer-Modern-font support that you can put into figs, the
> figures always make a nice document look worse. An old officemate of
> mine would use the psfrag package (which also requires using EPS) to
> solve this problem. MATLAB puts dummy symbols throughout the fig, and
> psfrag can replace them on-the-fly with text rendered from the
> document. However, the graphics themselves still lack the smooth look
> that LaTeX provides. So I don't even generate figs from MATLAB; I have
> MATLAB export data and use PSTricks to plot that data natively within
> LaTeX. The result is a document without seems. ]
> There are several packages that allow you to include pdflatex-friendly
> files in latex (and probably vice versa). They essentially run a small
> pass of pdflatex or a converter program to generate EPS files from the
> PDF's you want to include. The packages can actually do this fairly
> automatically. I take a different route because I eschew using
> pdflatex. I have Makefiles that will automatically generate EPS's from
> any other file type as needed (e.g., if I use \includegraphics{blah}
> and there is a blah.gif in the directory, the Makefile will convert
> blah.gif to blah.eps before running LaTeX). IIRC, there are similar
> automatic conversion facilities built into some of the most
> sophisticated LaTeX build scripts (e.g., "rubber").
> Anyway, I'm glad you're both up and running. And I'm glad that now I
> know about that configuration parameter -- it was something I took for
> granted before you're issue was posted!
> Best --
> Ted
> --
> Ted Pavlic <>


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between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid
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