On 07/09/2012 09:25 AM, Ted Pavlic wrote:
>>> for shortcite (and do something similar for your other options).
>> I actually do not want to go this way. When tex.vim gets updated, I have
>> to copy it over again, patch in my stuff again etc. Thus I hope for
>> finding a way to do it locally as in an extra file that extends the
>> already existing tex.vim.
> Okay, fine, then add something like:
> au BufWinEnter *.tex let w:m1=matchadd('texRefZone', '\\shortcite', -1)
> To your .vimrc for each citation that you'd like to add.
What about putting something like

syn match  texRefZone           '\\shortcite\%(\*\=\)\='

into ~/.vim/after/syntax/tex.vim (or similar on mac)?


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