
* El 10/04/06 a las 23:01, Benji Fisher chamullaba:

> On Mon, Apr 10, 2006 at 11:06:12PM -0300, Luis A. Florit wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> >     I've always had some special highlighting for TeX
> > files. For example, I have the following syn for "$$":
> > 
> > hi dollars cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=4 guifg=white guibg=blue
> > syn match dollars /\(\$\$\|\\\[\|\\\]\)/
> > 
> > It always worked nicely, but since I upgraded to FC5,
> > and then from vim6.3 to vim6.4, the highlighting only
> > works BEFORE the '\begin{document}', and not after
> > (not very useful...). This persist even if I remove
> > my .vimrc, or my .vim directory, so it is some new
> > problem with version 6.4.
> > 
> >     Any idea about what is happening??
> > 
> >         Thanks a lot,
> > 
> >             Luis.
> Probably your $$ occurs inside some syntax region, so it is not
> recognized. A simple fix might be to add "containedin=ALL" to
> the "syn match" line.
> :help containedin

If I do that, they are propperly highlighted, but then all 
the "}" in the manuscript are then highlighted as errors (??!!).

What changed in tex.vim? It worked so nicely in Vim 6.3...

 From Charles:

> As Benji F said, you'll need to get it contained (at least in
> texDocZone).  containedin=ALL
> should work, but it will of course then be contained in all groups,
> including comments.
> The texDocZone group was set up to facilitate syntax-based folding.

Has the same side effect...
> > PS:
> > BTW, we are receiving a several spam and virus from vim mailing list.
> > Not that matters a lot to me, with Linux, SpamAssassin and Clamav,
> > but for windows users... The strange thing is that I needed to change
> > my "From " first header through sendmail to be able to post in Vim
> > mailing list: the most strict list I belong, and the only one with SPAM.
> > Perhaps some tunning needed?
> > 
> > Thanks again.  L.
> Since there was a big problem with the mail servers a few weeks
> ago, I think the plan is to move the lists to a new server ASAP after
> vim 7.0 is released. I expect some tuning (tunning?) to take place
> then.




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