Just wanted to send the script that I used, in case anyone is interested
to repeat:

let g:auCount = 0
aug TT
  au WinEnter * :call Au('WinEnter')
  au WinLeave * :call Au('WinLeave')
  au TabEnter * :call Au('TabEnter')
  au TabLeave * :call Au('TabLeave')
  au BufEnter * :call Au('BufEnter')
  au BufLeave * :call Au('BufLeave')
aug END

function! Au(autype)
  let g:auCount = g:auCount + 1
  echomsg a:autype.' '.g:auCount
  call input(a:autype)


On Mon, 15 May 2006 at 5:08pm, Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

> I am observing what might be inconsistency in the order in which vim
> fires autocommands. First, ovserving the order of buffer and window events,
> - Using :new:
> WinLeave
> WinEnter
> BufLeave
> BufEnter
> - Using :wincmd w
> BufLeave
> WinLeave
> WinEnter
> BufEnter
> When combined with tab operations,
> - Using, :tabe:
> WinLeave
> TabLeave
> TabEnter
> WinEnter
> BufLeave
> BufEnter
> - Using :tabnext:
> BufLeave
> WinLeave
> TabLeave
> WinEnter
> TabEnter
> BufEnter
> Extrapolating the first two, I was expecting these to be
> - For tabe:
> TabLeave
> TabEnter
> WinLeave
> WinEnter
> BufLeave
> BufEnter
> - For :tabnext:
> BufLeave
> WinLeave
> TabLeave
> TabEnter
> WinEnter
> BufEnter
> Is the existing behavior expected? Does anyone agree that it is
> inconsistent? I am even surprised that they should differ between
> switching between the existing windows/tabs and creating new ones.

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