I'm sorry, the script which I call basically just makes a system call:

function! SDCheckout()
        let file = expand("%")
        if (confirm("Checkout from Source Depot?\n\n" . file,
"&Yes\n&No", 1) == 1)
                call system("sd edit " . file . " > /dev/null")
                if v:shell_error == 0
                        set noreadonly
                        if (confirm("An error occured!", "Oh no!", 1) ==

Sorry for the wrapping problems.

I'm not entirely sure what you are suggesting doing with :h and :s??,
but would I not suffer the problem of not knowing which subdirectory the
file was in? Surely this isn't something that should need to be fixed,
rather it should Just Work?



-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 8:10 PM
To: Max Dyckhoff
Cc: vim@vim.org
Subject: Re: Working directory problems

I'm not sure how your bound function works.  Have you tried using
fnamemodify() to manipulate the filename?  You can use the :h option
to strip the path, and :s?? to substitute the relative path.

On 5/24/06, Max Dyckhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some issues with the working directory in vim that I really
> cannot get to the bottom of. I have tried looking through the help,
> I've searched the Interweb too, to no avail, so I thought I would turn
> to this trusty mailing list!
> I operate a single vim instance with multiple files open in multiple
> splits. The common working directory for my code files is
> c:\<project>\main\source\, and the majority of the files therein lie
> ai\<filename>. Normally the vim split status line shows the file as
> being ai\<filename>, namely the relative path from the working
> of c:\<project>\main\source\.
> When I open a new file - which I invariably do using "sf <filename>",
> I have all the appropriate directories in my path - occasionally the
> statusline shows as the absolute path, namely
> c:\<project>\main\source\ai\<filename>. If I perform the command "cd
> c:\<project>\main\source", then the status line fixes itself. It
> be noted that the status line is only incorrect for the new file;
> existing files are still fine.
> Now I wouldn't normally be bothered by this, but I have a function in
> vim which I have bound to F6 that will check the current source file
> of our source depot, and if the status line is showing the absolute
> then it will fail, because the information about the source depot lies
> only within the c:\<project>\main directories.
> God, I hope that makes sense. It seems like such a trivial problem,
> it really irks me, and I wonder if anyone could give me a hand!
> Cheers,
> Max
> --
> Max Dyckhoff
> AI Engineer
> Bungie Studios

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