Hi all,

With Vim 7 under Windows XP, I don't seem to be able to get spell
checking to work with HTML files.

Mostly no words are marked as misspelled.

But inside some tags, e.g., <h1></h1>, it seems to work OK.

Spelling errors are not highlighted in <p></p> tags, which is likely to
be where most errors are going to be.

Spelling for other types (e.g., plain text and LaTeX) seems fine.

I have a line like this in my _vimrc:

au BufNewFile,BufRead *.html,*.htm,*.asp,*.php set spell spelllang=en_au

I am not using any other spelling plugin for Vim. This is a clean install.

Any suggestions? It kind of looks like a bug, but maybe I'm missing
something obvious.



David Purton
Haese & Harris Publications
Phone: +61 8 8355 9444    Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax:   +61 8 8355 9471    Web:   http://www.haeseandharris.com.au/

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