On 6/1/06, Johannes Schwarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm trying to write my first vim-plugin, but I got stucked.

I managed to execute an external command, which gives me back a list of

You need to say exactly how you executed the command, since that will
define how the lines were acquired, whether they went from the file
into a buffer correctly, etc.

One filename per line.

For each of the filenames I want to execute another command.
I tried it with code:

let j = 1

let line=getline(".")
while (strlen(line)!=0)

This loop is best done comparing line(".") <= line("$")

  "do sth. here -- construct the external command and so on

'j' is incrementing, right?

  let line=getline(".")

When I execute the code, it runns into an infinite loop, because the
lines are joined together with each loop

The infinite loop is probably due to other reasons, ie. above.


Is the file (disk) or file loaded into a Vim buffer window?

after interrupting the loop the looks like
text1.txt text2.txt text3.txt

Not enough code examples to understand why it would be like this.

it seems j is interpreted as a J (join line) here.
And by the way, I think this is a bad solution anyway.
Can someone give me a hint how to do it in a clean way?

If it's simple enough, you can use global commands


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