For my own future reference, could you post an example of your modeline
footer that covers all three editors?


On Wed, Jun 21, 2006 at 07:48:26AM -0600, Russell Bateman wrote:
> We keep hearing about how placing a modeline at the top of the file...
> Because I work in a multitabbed environment (i.e.: there are more than 
> one tab standard), I have to use a modeline to sort out tabstop and 
> shiftwidth. I put this modeline AT THE BOTTOM of my file where it works 
> just fine and doesn't interfere with the copyright header or anything 
> else going on at the top. As there are also emacs and VSE consumers of 
> these same files, anything Vim-only would constitute an affront to them 
> (the little bastards, hehehe).
> Just wanted to go on record about how a modeline can be placed at the 
> bottom or the top of a file.
> Thanks,
> Russ
> Mike Williams wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >In general you cannot detect which version of the standard some C has 
> >been written against since C89 code should still compile with a C99 
> >compiler.  There are new keywords, but some developers use macros to 
> >emulate C99 like features in C89 code.  Your best bet is a mode line, 
> >possible a good ol' human one as a comment at the top of the file - /* 
> >This file developed against C99/C89 [delete as applicable] */ - so 
> >that the code is self documenting, and it can be picked up by VIM on 
> >loading to set whatever settings you want.
> >
> ><shameless_self_promotion>
> >While not helping with detecting whether C source is C89 or C99, my 
> >alternate C syntax file helps with developing portable C for a 
> >particular C standard.
> >
> >
> >
> ></shameless_self_promotion>
> >
> >
> >Mike

Gregory H. Margo
gmargo at yahoo/com, gmail/com, pacbell/net; greg at margofamily/org

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