Tom Purl wrote:

> I believe that this may be a bug.  I hope that this is the proper way of
> opening a new one.
> I've poured over the documentation and asked the mailing list gods for
> help, and this basic feature still does not work.  Here's the use case:
> I have tried this on both Windows and Linux.  I'm certain that my
> `vimrc` is being read.
> Here's what I have in my `vimrc` file:
>     set backup
>     set backupskip="$HOME/gtd/wiki/*"   # tried both with and without
>                                         # quotes
> And here's how you too can recreate the bug:
> 1. I opened my $HOME/gtd/wiki directory within Vim using netrw.
> 2. I deleted the FrontPage~ doc using netrw
> 3. I then opened my FrontPage doc, edited it and saved it.
> 4. I then opened my $HOME/gtd/wiki directory again within Vim using netrw.
> Unfortunately, the FrontPage~ doc was created again.  I have the potwiki
> plugin installed, but I also tested this without any extra plugins and got
> the same result.

Environment variables are not expanded for the 'backupskip' option.  You
must replace $HOME with its expanded value, or use:

        :let &backupskip = expand("$HOME") . "/gtd/wiki/*"

SOLDIER: Where did you get the coconuts?
ARTHUR:  Through ... We found them.
SOLDIER: Found them?  In Mercea.  The coconut's tropical!
                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

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