2006/6/30, Michael Naumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Do you have
:set hidden

If not, you should.

HTH, Michael

On Friday 30 June 2006 11:59, Thomas Michael Engelke wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm not sure if it was always the case or if this is a recent change
> (through vim 7). I am not able to undo anything after saving a file.
> Is this normal? What settings are involved? How can I change this
> behaviour? The help-file for "undo" is pretty silent regarding this.

I'm not sure if I made my problem perfectly clear.

I have a file. I edit it, deleting a line. I can then "u" and "Ctrl-R"
these changes to no end. I undo once and redo once, ending up with the
original file. I use ":w" to save the buffer. I use "u" and get the
message "Bereits bei der ältesten Änderung" (rougly: "Already at
oldest change").

Edit: Amazing. Restarting vim did the trick. I'll keep my eyes open
for another occurence. Problem solved.


Thomas Engelke

GPG-Key: tengelke.de/thomas_michael_engelke.asc

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