>Unfortunately I am only able to type the US keyboard, so remapping the
>keyboard might be a better solution than entering digraphs in the long
>run but will not be painless..  And since I do not do this on a regular
>basis, I am unsure whether it's really worth going to all the trouble.

Would it be impractical to map, eg, <^><e> to whatever the code is for 'ê', ie, 
use prefix notation of [^'`~,], etc., as a prefix for [aeioucnAEIOUCN] as 
Wouldn't be *all* those combinations, but, eg, would only need <,><C> for 
&Ccedil;, <~><N> for &Ntilde; (and their lowercase counterparts, natch), but 
the rest would just be whatever accented chars you normally use, for grave, 
acute, circumflex, etc.

I'm not sure how a non-US keyboard does such things, so I can't suggest a more 
"transparent" way of doing it.

One other possibility would be the way my phone does multiple chars per key, 
eg, you'd hit '1' to get the generic '.', then '*' would cycle through 
different punctuation, and so on, 'til it'd get back to '.' again.  Maybe 
hitting alt-A would get you an 'a' and put you into a loop, then multiple hits 
of an F-key would cycle through the 3-4 other chars and then back.  Any other 
key would "escape" the loop.  Arrange them in the order you expect their 
occurrence, most commonly-used ones first.

Eg, if you arrange them in the order acute/grave/circumflex/ring, simply 
hitting <M-a> would get you &aacute;.  Hit F2, and it gets you &agrave;.  Hit 
F2 again, circumflex.  Again, ring.  Again, acute.  Lather, rinse, repeat.

*Implementing* this would for now be beyond my ken, or my barbie, but I'm sure 
someone might have some ideas how to best do it.  No?

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