
SHANKAR R-R66203 wrote:
>   Is there a function, to add the line under the cursor to the jump-list
> ?
>   This may sound strange. I am coding a function in which "from the
> current line, the cursor moves to a different line or a file
> altogather."
>  I want a way to come back if needed by the CTRL-O command

perhaps this excerpt from ":help jumplist" helps you

| When the |:keepjumps| command modifier is used, jumps are not stored in the
| jumplist.  Jumps are also not stored in other cases, e.g., in a |:global|
| command.  You can explicitly add a jump by setting the ' mark.


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.     (Calvin)

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