On 9/24/06, Meino Christian Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
After I wrote my first TeX-text without Emacs/AucTeX spontaneous I
would say the following things are missing:

A Keystrokes to insert {\bf X }, {\it X \/} and such where X marks the
  cursor position after doing the keystroke.

It is easily done with mappings, e.g. (define CTRL-I in insert mode):

:imap <C-I> {\it  \/}<left><left><left><left>

You can add such lines to your ftplugin\plaintex.vim.

B Interface to run TeX and a viewer (configurable) on the file one is
  editing which ensures, that the file on the HD is uptodate.

Vim is not an IDE. However, I have put these lines in

Editor="C:\Program Files\Vim\vim70\gvim.exe" --servername tex
--remote-silent +%l "%f"

And have done similar with Yap. So when an error occurs, I just type
`e' to edit in the place where things went wrong; and double-click on
a line in the DVI viewer to go to the source.

Be sure to start editing with `gvim --servername tex xyz.tex' to
ensure only one GVIM is started to edit the TeX file, if you intent to
open the file before launching Tex or the DVI viewer.

C Defintions to automatically map "<word>" to ``<word>'' and to remap
  - in my case - german umlauts to the TeX-commandsequences. This
  should be done for any non-ASCII-character. Most of the bugs I had
  to remove while trying to tex my file were of such kind.

I am not sure about this one. So leave it to others.

I have not proofen that this is not already implemented, I only read
the few lines of the help text for ft-tex-plugin. And didn't fiddle
with quickfix and such. May be quickfix can be misused for texing ?
Dont know.

Keep hacking and TeXing!

Best regards,


Wu Yongwei
URL: http://wyw.dcweb.cn/

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