On 9/28/06, Karl Guertin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm trying to get vim to auto-close parenthesis and set it up so that
the closing paren jumps past the end of the inserted one. This mapping
does the trick

A followup. I do have this working

inoremap ()<C-R>=NoUndoMove(-1)<CR>
inoremap ) <C-R>=JumpTo(')').NoUndoMove(1)<CR>

function JumpTo(char)
   undojoin | exe 'normal f'.a:char
   return ""

function NoUndoMove(offset)
  call cursor(line('.'),col('.)+a:offset)

Which does the movement without changing the undo stack. Hoorah.
Unfortunately, repeat (.) doesn't seem to repeat the cursor command.
It also doesn't repeat setpos() and setline(). As a result, the parens
move to the beginning of the insert on the repeats. E.g. typing "(abc"
shows up as "(abc|)" where | is the cursor position. Repeating the
insert gets me "()abc|". Any tips would be appreciated.

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