Steve Hall wrote:
On Fri, 2006-09-29 at 23:36 +0200, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
Steve Hall wrote:
:help linebreak documents that it "is not used when...'list' is
on" but this means that toggling &list shifts the text. I noticed
this is on the ToDo:

  7   Make 'list' and 'linebreak' work together.

Is this a difficult fix?
With 'list', tabs can be represented as ^I (if 'listchars' does not
include "tab:") or as the "right" number of characters (if it does).

With 'linebreak' and 'wrap', virtual spaces are added in the middle
of long lines to make them wrap at a 'breakat' character.

I suppose the second case has more import than the first, and would
require an additional suboption in 'listchars' to optionally
represent those virtual spaces as other than spaces.

I don't think that indicating virtual space is important, these is a
display device, not "text in my file".

Well, 'listchars' eol: extends: precedes: and even the second character in tab: are not "text in my file" either. I can imagine someone willing to use 'linebreak' only if he can show these virtual spaces as blue dots or underscores to distinguish them from real "text in my file" spaces. After all, the whole purpose of 'list' and 'listchars' is to see exactly what is "text in my file" and what isn't, to the point of seeing how many spaces are at the end of a line, or whether some blank expanse is a hard tab or a string of spaces.

Best regards,

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