Hello Vim List,

Motivated by the stunningly poor readability of highlighting
group Pmenu (white on magenta or light-magenta), I looked
for ways to change the meaning of at least Pmenu and
PmenuSel.  Their are no officially distributed colorschemes
that support all the new groups and only 3, of the 161
colorschemes in my vimfiles\colors, support all the new
groups (and 154 support none of them).

I found no way to change Gvim's default highlighting for
these groups.  What I found is a mapping of the groups to
group names in the setting 'highlight'.

Just to see such things as dictionary search results, the
following appears to work fine for now (in _vimrc):

    if v:version >= 700
        set highlight-=+:Pmenu,=:PmenuSel
        set highlight+=+:Visual,=:VisualNOS

Ideally, maintainers of colorshemes should add support for
the new groups.  These are the name of the new groups:

    CursorColumn    PmenuSel      SpellRare
    CursorLine      PmenuThumb    TabLine
    MatchParen      SpellBad      TabLineFill
    Pmenu           SpellCap      TabLineSel
    PmenuSbar       SpellLocal

Below I've listed the colorschemes in the official
distribution (as updated on the FTP site) and those I've
downloaded from the Vim Online site.  The number appearing
before a colorscheme file is the number of new groups
supported (out of the 14 listed above).

Current Official Distribution

      6 koehler.vim
      2 delek.vim
      2 evening.vim
      2 morning.vim

    The following support none of the new highlight groups:

    blue.vim        murphy.vim       slate.vim
    darkblue.vim    pablo.vim        torte.vim
    default.vim     peachpuff.vim    zellner.vim
    desert.vim      ron.vim
    elflord.vim     shine.vim

From my 161 colorschemes in vimfiles\colors (obtained at Vim

     14 candycode.vim
     14 freya.vim
     14 moria.vim
      4 mint.vim
      7 vi.vim
      2 blink.vim
      1 developer.vim

    The other 154 support none of the new highlights.
    If you are curious, I've listed them below my sig.

If anybody knows of a way to change to Gvim default
highlight group settings, please share this info.

Best regards,

Here the 154 colorschemes in my vimfiles\colors that contain
no support for the 14 new highlight groups:

adam.vim            denim.vim         night.vim
adaryn.vim          desert.vim        nightshimmer.vim
adobe.vim           doriath.vim       nightwish.vim
adrian.vim          dusk.vim          northsky.vim
advantage.vim       earth.vim         nuvola.vim
af.vim              edo_sea.vim       oceanblack.vim
aiseered.vim        emacs.vim         oceandeep.vim
anotherdark.vim     fine_blue.vim     oceanlight.vim
aqua.vim            flamingo.vim      olive.vim
astronaut.vim       fnaqevan.vim      PapayaWhip.vim
asu1dark.vim        fog.vim           pcp_blue.vim
automation.vim      fruit.vim         peppers.vim
autumn.vim          gobo.vim          pleasant.vim
autumn2.vim         golden.vim        print_bw.vim
autumnleaf.vim      gor.vim           professional.vim
billw.vim           gothic.vim        ps_color.vim
biogoo.vim          greyblue.vim      putty.vim
black_angus.vim     hhazure.vim       python.vim
blackbeauty.vim     hhdblue.vim       random.vim
blackdust.vim       hhdcyan.vim       redblack.vim
BlackSea.vim        hhdgray.vim       relaxedgreen.vim
blue.vim            hhdgreen.vim      revolutions.vim
bluegreen.vim       hhdmagenta.vim    robinhood.vim
blugrine.vim        hhdred.vim        sand.vim
bmichaelsen.vim     hhdyellow.vim     scite.vim
bog.vim             hhorange.vim      sea.vim
borland.vim         hhpink.vim        sean.vim
breeze.vim          hhspring.vim      seashell.vim
brookstream.vim     hhteal.vim        sf.vim
brown.vim           hhviolet.vim      sienna.vim
buttercream.vim     ibmedit.vim       simpleandfriendly.vim
bw.vim              impact.vim        taqua.vim
c.vim               inkpot.vim        tcsoft.vim
camo.vim            ironman.vim       thestars.vim
campfire.vim        jhdark.vim        tibet.vim
candy.vim           jhlight.vim       tolerable.vim
caramel.vim         less.vim          tomatosoup.vim
chela_light.vim     lilac.vim         toothpik.vim
ChocolateLiquor.vim lingodirector.vim torte.vim
cleanphp.vim        manxome.vim       transparent.vim
coffee.vim          mars.vim          turbo.vim
colorer.vim         matrix.vim        umber-green.vim
cool.vim            mellow.vim        vc.vim
dante.vim           metacosm.vim      vcbc.vim
darkblack.vim       midnight.vim      white.vim
darkblue2.vim       midnight2.vim     whitedust.vim
darkdot.vim         mod_tcsoft.vim    wintersday.vim
darkocean.vim       navajo-night.vim  xemacs.vim
darkred.vim         navajo.vim        xian.vim
darkslategray.vim   nedit.vim         zenburn.vim
dawn.vim            nedit2.vim
delek.vim           neon.vim

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